Chapter Fifty Two

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"I'm sorry but how does one just alter time?" Fred said crossing his arms with an annoyed expression. "Just because one wants to do it, doesn't mean they can. At least, I'm pretty sure."

Judith shrugged. 'The Dark Lord has figured out numerous ways to come back to life, it wouldn't really surprise me if he figured out how to go back and ensure that he somehow won the battle."

"But it doesn't mean he would." Fred said. "Let's say even if he did go back to an earlier time to make things work in his favor, it doesn't mean it would work. One small instance could change everything, and what he thought would work in his favor may very well work against him."

"That's true, Fred. But what if he does succeed? We can't just guarantee that he'll screw up somewhere, there is a possibility that he could succeed and then we have to think about what happens there."

There was a clearing of the throat, causing the two to look over in the direction of everyone in the room.

Not wanting to bring Nathaniel back to the Burrow, Judith offered to go back to her flat and keep her brother there with him. But the Aurors were not about to let the man just waltz out with constant surveillance.

With several Aurors, Nathaniel, George, and Eleanor in the room, it really did look like Judith was just talking to herself as she spoke with Fred.

"Sorry." she said with a small blush as she turned to everyone.

The group was trying to wrap their heads around what the Dark Lord's plan was to go back in time and alter everything to his liking. However, as much as they wanted to question Nathaniel for all the answers, Nathaniel was in just as much of the dark as they were. His possession hadn't left him with much information as he wanted, especially during the times where the Dark Lord had complete control.

Not only did they have to worry about that, they had to figure out how they were going to get Bethany back to ensure her safety. With Bellatrix in control of the woman's body, there was no telling where Bethany was.

Harry stepped forward preparing to take the lead over the operation to finally end the craziness once and for all.

"We're keeping several aurors guarded out here for the evening, especially when Nathaniel is staying here, but the rest of us need to remain at the Ministry. Voldemort has already attempted something in the time room, if he can't get to it, we can be certain that Bellatrix will do anything to please him. I'm pretty sure we'll find her trying to get around there to complete whatever he wanted to do initially before Nathaniel forced him out the body. However, in the meantime, Nathaniel, I'm sorry but we can't allow you to be armed. Just in case you fall under possession again."

Nathaniel frowned but nodded his head. "I understand."

Judith turned to Fred.

"If the spirits can block my channel, can't they do the same for him?"

Fred shrugged. "I don't see why not? Unless he's still under the possession."

"How could he still be under....he's right here talking to us." Judith said before eyeing her brother.

Fred walked over to her with his hands casually thrown into his pockets. "Nathaniel might have regained control but it doesn't mean Voldemort still isn't in his body." he told her. "I'll see what I can find out."

Just like that, Fred vanished from Judith's vision.

Sitting on the sofa in her flat, Judith leaned her body into George's side hoping to comfort herself with his warmth. He wrapped his arm around her and gently trailed his fingers over her should. Nathaniel sat in one of the armchairs, it looked like he wanted to sleep but he seemed terrified of falling asleep.

"Nate, you need sleep-" Judith went to tell him.

"I can't..I don't want to."

Eleanor sat near him and frowned in slight confusion until Judith explained that Nathaniel's communication with spirits came in his sleep.

"Well, if it offers you any comfort," Eleanor said, "you are surrounded by people, so if anything were to happen, everyone here would be willing to help you."

Nathaniel glanced over at her and gave her a small smile before his expression went grim. "The problem is, if he gets control won't have to worry about me, you'll be fighting the Dark Lord." he told her.

"We've all fought against him once," Eleanor reassured him. "I think we can do it again. You should get some sleep."

It was odd to see Nathaniel not take a grouchy approach with someone, let alone a stranger telling him to take a nap. But he seemed to listen to Eleanor as he settled back in the armchair and closed his eyes.

Judith smiled before resting her head on George's shoulder.

"I wonder what's taking Fred so long." she said in quiet voice.

"I don't know." George frowned.

Eleanor's hands twiddled in her lap as if she felt the need to do something with them without her knitting.

"I really hope he's okay."

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