Chapter Forty Five

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Judith awoke the next morning before anyone in the household, except for Fred who was walking through the kitchen. She left George sleeping on the sofa and walked into the kitchen, alerting Fred of her presence.

"Morning." he said.

"Morning." she whispered sitting down.

"Sleep any better?" He asked.

"Best night of sleep I've had in awhile." Judith admitted.

"I wonder why." Fred said with a wink.

She smiled and lowered her chin to the kitchen table.

Fred sat across from her.

"You never get to sleep anymore." she stated.

"Right." Fred said unsure of where Judith was going with the conversation.

"What do you do while everyone is asleep?" she asked.

"Ah there's the real question." he chuckled. "Curious, are we?"

"Can you blame me? Do you remain in Limbo or do you walk around the house?"

"No." Fred said. "I don't spend time in Limbo unless I'm going back and forth communicating. And while you guys are resting...I"

"Oh you travel? Where?"

"Places." Fred answered.

"Are you visiting someone, Fred?" she smiled at him.

If Fred was still capable of blushing, Judith was sure that he would be.

"So you are. Is it that girl you were telling me about?"

"It might be."

"I see. Did this girl go to Hogwarts?"

"Of course."

"She was at the final battle?"

"She wouldn't be anywhere else."

"Were you two ever together?" Curiosity was getting the best of Judith again as she interrogated Fred.

"No." Fred answered. "I never made the move. But I guess that's for the best now, isn't it? All the time I teased George about not making a move with you, I was being a hypocrite."

Judith bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry, Fred. You know if you want, I can...I will go talk to her for you."

Fred gave her a small smile with a shake of his head. "Why don't we just take care of this situation first before we try to get involved with anything else?"

Judith gave a nod when Harry arrived in the kitchen, his face was red, his brow sweaty and he looked like he was about to be sick.

"Harry?" Judith said looking at him. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Harry moved to her quickly.

"Judith, I...I don't know how it happened, but.."

"But what?" she stood up. "What's going on?"

"Your grandmother...the healers came in to check on her during a shift and she was gone. She must have left some point during the night."


George awoke to a scream in the kitchen and jumped up from the sofa to run in and find Judith about ready to strangle Harry. He quickly moved himself in between the two.

"You said she would be safe! You told me the two of them would be safe there!" Judith growled at Harry.

"I don't know how she would get out undetected or how she would leave!" Harry said defensively. "But it's not my fault. Your grandfather is still there-"

Judith tried to swipe at him, but suddenly, stopped herself. Her grandfather was still there which meant that someone didn't go in and take her grandmother. It meant her grandmother had left on her own.

"Oh...oh.." The sudden realization made her instantly sick to her stomach. She lowered herself to the kitchen floor. ""

George knelt down beside her as she shook her head from side to side to the point where it was making him dizzy just watching her.


"They got Nana...they got my nana...oh.." her breathing became short and rapid.

"Who...what..." George was barely awake as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"My grandmother...she was left unprotected." Judith immediately looked to Fred. "She wasn't protected like myself...Bellatrix.. oh this is all my fault!"

Fred stood still in shock, he had completely neglected the fact of Bethany's channel being open.

It seemed the group couldn't catch a break.

Judith was angry, not with Fred, or George, or even Harry. She was angry with herself, for not thinking of her grandmother, knowing the older woman would be vulnerable. Now her brother and her grandmother were possessed and in serious danger. It was Lord Voldemort and his most loyal follower, Bellatrix Lestrange, back in the wizarding world, with wands.

Fred felt guilty for not taking any precautions to protect Bethany, and while Bethany was an older woman, she was a spry older woman. Bellatrix would be able to get some use out of the body for however long she needed.

Judith hadn't said anything in the last half hour no matter how much everyone tried to get her to say something. She couldn't go out because she was at risk and they had no clue where anyone was.

But there wasn't anything he could do once he alerted the others in Limbo what was going on. Besides Renna, Fred had been searching for one other person to help but he couldn't find the person anywhere.

Frustrated with himself he left the Burrow mentally kicking himself in the arse.

He didn't know where he was going until he found himself where he wanted to be.

With her.

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now