Chapter Fifty Eight

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When Judith left Limbo to return to George and the others, she felt a bittersweet tug at her heart. She loved being in George's company and he had become so very special to her in the recent time. The idea of possibly giving him up, as she ventured to alter time bothered her greatly. But she knew that George was lost without his brother. She could never replace Fred. With George working in the prank shop without Fred by his side, it was a constant reminder of his loss and Judith hated to see him suffer. He couldn't experience Fred like she could, and while she had lost her sister in the war, she was able to see Renna, which comforted her. The group of spirits agreed to accompany her and she knew she had to do it.

"Judith, are you alright?" George asked her as she came to. Judith glanced around, Nathaniel was still sobbing on the floor, their grandmother was still missing and her grandfather had been placed into the hospital. Nothing was going right for anyone. The war was over but everyone was still fighting their own battles.

"Judith?" she felt George hold the sides of her face before he brought her to look at him. "You don't have to cry.."

"He wasn't sure what else to tell her in attempts to comfort her.

He bit his lower lip. "But if you want to cry.." he pulled her into him and held onto her. "I'm right here."

She sniffed before burying her face into his shoulder.

"I think...I think we figured out how to change all of this." Judith mumbled into him.

"What?" He moved away from her. "What are you talking about?"

"The others..they may have come up with a way to fix things, if we go about it the right way. We would be traveling through...the spirit world and-"

"The spirit world but Judith, I can't help you there if you.."

"I know. This is something you can't help me with, George. This is something I have to do with the others and it's for the best. You can be happy if everything goes right-"

"Me? But what about you? What"

Judith glanced up at him. "If it's meant to be in that world then-"

"Meant to be- Judith I have you right here, right now."

"I know but you don't have Fred...and he wasn't able to do the things he wanted. Neither of you got to do the things you wanted. Your family is still grieving his loss and look at the mess we are all family is basically falling apart with no hopes of repairing itself and Renna..Renna is still dead...if I can change that..I can't pass that up. You deserve to be happy, George. All of you do."

"But how-"

"I guess I'll have to see what the plan is when I return to Limbo."


Judith leaned in and kissed him hard. "It's going to be okay, George. I promise, I'll do everything I can to make things right."

"I don't want to lose you."

"Then come find me." she said with a small laugh mixed with a cry.

Judith prepared herself for the trip to the Ministry of Magic, to enter the Time room with Harry accompanying her. She kept the goodbye between her and George short because she knew if she dragged it out any longer it would just end horribly for her. She would just cry and refuse to do it. She had to be strong. She looked at her brother once more, he gave her a pleading look that asked her to end him right then and there, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything to him.

"Are you sure about this, Judith?" Harry asked her.

"No, I'm not sure at all." she said. "But..I have to try... I know it sounds crazy but-"

"Well, luckily, you're around someone who's grown up with crazy his entire life doesn't sound that crazy."

"I-" she went to respond but Renna appeared outside the Time Room.


Judith nodded her head before she leaned in and hugged Harry. "If it doesn't work out-"

'It will work out." Harry reassured her. "I wouldn't be putting anyone's life on the line if I didn't think it was going to work."

She gave a faint smile. "Fingers crossed."

"Come on," Renna beckoned her forward. Judith thought they were entering the Time Room first, but instead Judith was brought to the Death Chamber.

Judith swallowed as she witnessed the large archway in the center of the dimly lit room. A black curtain moving about it.

"Go ahead," Renna said. "Bring them forward. All of them. Just think about them."

Judith held her breath as thought of the spirits in Limbo and watched as they emerged from behind the veil. Fred and Eleanor appeared with smiles on their faces.

"Where's everyone else?" Judith thought.

"Well they all couldn't possibly come, it would be awfully crowded Judith." Fred said. "Don't worry, I think the four of us can manage."

"Don't worry Judith, we're with you the entire way." Eleanor reassured her.

"But how is this even going to work?" Judith said.

"To the Time Room!" Fred said before leaving out of the Death Chamber.

"Come on Judith." Renna and Eleanor walked beside her.

George couldn't sit still knowing Judith was going to face the plan on her own. He arose to leave but as he did, Ron let out a yelp and fell back as Nathaniel was on the move.

"No! Nathaniel-"

Nathaniel turned around to reveal that it was not Nathaniel. Before George could react, the front door was blown off the hinges, and Judith's grandmother had arrived on the scene.


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