"So you and George..." Fred grinned as he sat beside Judith on the sofa as she settled down to try and rest again. George agreed to remain with her while she slept just in case she experienced any nightmares. So while he showered, Judith stayed awake.
"Stop it, Fred." she chuckled.
"What? I'm happy for you two. I mean, I'm not happy I walked in on you two, but I'm happy that George has someone that makes him happy."
"Makes him happy, but I also add way more stress to his life." Judith sighed.
"If I was capable of picking up this pillow and throwing it at your face, I would. Quit being so negative. Really killing my spiritual energy over here."
"Sorry." she said rested her head against the sofa. She looked over at Fred who was staring straight ahead.
"What about you Fred?"
"Hmm? What about me?"
"Was there someone special in your life? Before you know...all this?"
"You mean before I died?" he replied.
"Well, if you're going to be blunt about it."
"It's not being blunt, Judith. I'm dead. Plain and simple."
"I know but...you know what never mind." she said closing her eyes. It wasn't any of her business and it was a depressing thought to find out there had been someone in Fred's life that he loved that he would be able to get a chance to grow old with.
A moment of silence passed between them before Fred spoke.
"There was someone." he admitted.
Judith opened one eye peeking out at the spirit.
"There was?"
"Yeah, she was...she was something else. " Fred smiled to himself. "Incredibly sweet one moment, but fully capable of ripping your face off if she wanted to. She's something else."
Judith pressed her lips together.
"She's alive then?"
"Yes. Alive and well. Hopefully doing something well with her life. I haven't brought myself to go check on her just yet."
"I'm sorry Fred. I shouldn't have brought something up like that."
"It's not your fault, Judith. It's okay to be curious.... and you know what, even though I haven't brought myself to go see her, I know she's okay. Because I always knew how tough she was."
Before they could discuss the matter any further, George reappeared from his shower. His hair was damp as he walked over and sat beside her on the sofa, nearly sitting upon Fred.
Judith chuckled causing George to stand up quickly.
"Sorry, did I sit on Fred?"
"No, he moved don't worry." Judith said patting the cushion beside her.
George carefully lowered himself back down.
"Is Fred still here?"
Judith saw Fred leaving the Burrow through the front door.
"No...he just left."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah everything is fine. Fred and I were just talking about something, but anyways..."
George examined Judith, she seemed a bit more relaxed than earlier but she still seemed slightly on edge.
"Hey, why don't you go shower, it might make you feel better..."
"Well, I-"
"It's okay, here I'll show you where everything is."
George had been right, a hot shower really brought Judith to a peaceful place. She wasn't sure how long she just stood there allowing the hot water to run over her head. She was nearly falling asleep before she got out and quickly slipped on some sleepwear.
When she returned to the sofa, George was there waiting for her. She sat down beside him and met his eyes.
"Don't worry, Judith, sleep. I'll be right here."
Judith fell asleep shortly after sitting down. Her head rested in her lap as George trailed his fingers through her damp hair, soothing her to sleep. He was beginning to fall asleep himself as his movements began slower and then stopped altogether.
Dreading the thought of anyone approaching her during her sleep, Judith attempted to keep her mind empty as possible as she slept. However, unable to fully control her channeling especially while she slept, she found herself back in Limbo, but this time she was only approached by one person. He looked familiar but she couldn't place the name.
She glanced around for Fred, nervous of the man's appearance even though he wore a kind smile on his face.
"Judith, isn't it?" the man interrupted her calling out to Fred.
She nodded attempting to take a step back but it would bring her nowhere. She was certain the spirit knew their way around limbo better than she did by far.
"No need to be nervous." he told her with a hint of amusement in his voice. "I'm here to help...by the request of Fred."
"Fred sent you to help me?"
"That he did. There's several of us that are here to keep Bellatrix away from you. I'm sure she won't show her ugly face while I'm around." he smiled at her, a promising gleam in his eye.
"R-r-right, and I'm sorry...but who are you again?" she asked him.
"Ah right, where are my manners...I'm Sirius Black."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.