Judith wiped the condensation built up on her mirror from her hot shower and stared back at herself. From the lack of sleep over the last few days, she had developed some dark bags under her eyes, but finally she didn't look so sickly.
She was sure with a little make up she would be able to look somewhat presentable in front of George. She knew that she already hadn't made a good first impression with George with the recent events making her look quite insane. However, Fred reassured her that George wasn't the type to dwell on such things.
Judith hoped he was right.
"So you really think this is a good idea?" she said. "I mean, I'm not the greatest at keeping conversation."
"If George didn't enjoy your presence he wouldn't have given you a time or a place to meet him." Fred reassured her as Judith shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket.
"I know but with the whole possession thing taking place, what if it happens in front of him? That would be so embarrassing not to mention incredibly creepy."
"First off, it's not going to happen in front of him. Your state of mind is in a good place, also besides myself I'm pretty sure Renna's spirit is watching over you."
"You haven't seen her have you?"
Fred shook his head. "No, I haven't. I haven't even heard her."
Judith frowned. "Maybe it's not her spirit then, maybe I'm just making things up in my head to comfort myself."
"It's very possible that it's her, Judith. We don't know how all this works, and I don't think anyone counted on you-know-who being able to possess someone after death. So at this point, I would say anything is possible. But you don't need to worry about that. I'll stay close by and keep an eye on you. But I'll be sure not to distract you so you don't come across as a raving lunatic."
"Thank you." she said.
"Er...you're welcome?" a man said as he passed by them.
Judith smacked her forehead as Fred laughed.
"I'm destined to look crazy."
Sitting in the Leaky Cauldron twiddling her fingers on the table, Judith anxiously tapped her foot as the clock struck noon.
"Will you stop fidgeting so much? You're even making me nervous." Fred told her, agreeing to sit with her until his brother arrived.
"Sorry." she dropped her hands in her lap. "I'm just not the greatest at these things?"
"These things?"
"That's a load of rubbish. I've seen you at the shop, you could talk for hours about tea if someone didn't stop you." Fred smirked.
She grinned. "That's different, at least I know enough about the subject that I can just keep talking."
"You're going to be fine. My brother...he likes you."
"How do you know that?" she asked leaning forward on the table with a doubtful look.
"Well, maybe because I'm his brother...I do know these things...besides it's not like he only took an interest back when he saw you in the tea shop." he said.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm saying that you caught his attention back in Hogwarts." Fred said leaning back in the booth and propping his feet on the table.
"Get your feet off the table."
"What?! I'm dead!"
"Still, it's the fact of the matter, Fred."
"Unbelievable, even in the afterlife I'm still getting scolded."
Judith went to make a remark when she heard her name being called.
She turned her head to see George making his way over, with a slight wave.
"That's my cue to go." Fred said.
"I'll be close by." he reminded her." Have fun but not too much fun." he winked at her.
George neared the table.
"You look like you're feeling a lot better." he said as he sat down.
"I'm actually feeling a lot better." she told him. "I think a few days of getting some actual rest and staying with my grandparents helped."
"I'm glad."
A silence fell over as Judith found herself being unable to keep the conversation going. If it wasn't about tea or quidditch, she was a complete failure at conversing.
"I'm sorry." she suddenly apologized to him.
George seemed surprised by her direct apology. "You're sorry for what?" he asked.
"For...I'm not very good at small talk unless it's about tea or quidditch. It's like the only thing I can find myself holding a conversation about. Pathetic I know but..."
George chuckled. "Those are two very interesting subjects and it's nothing to apologize about."
"I highly doubt tea is an interesting subject, I just know too much about it because of work."
"Well, considering tea has been the only thing to help me sleep, I think it's interesting and you really to seem to know your stuff. There's nothing wrong with that."
"I highly doubt you want to talk about tea and quidditch though."
"Why not? I love quidditch and I like drinking the tea you picked out for me. Plus, I'm sure there are other topics you could talk about, we just have to figure them out and lucky for you, I have all day."
Judith smiled looking down to the table with a small blush.
"So what will it be? Tea or Quidditch? We could pick up where we left off on Davies still fouling during that game."
"He did not foul!"
Fred glanced over from the table where he sat watching his brother interact with the woman he had admired from afar in school. A bright smile on his face as Judith grew more and more flustered trying to argue but failing.
He wasn't sure if it was the light coming through the window that was playing tricks on his eyes, but he swore he saw a white mist surrounding Judith almost like a shield.
No sign of any darkness.

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.