Even if she had been blindfolded, Judith knew the exact path to where Renna's tombstone resided. It had become a worn path from the many times she visited the cemetery. Her hands gripped the iron gate, chilling her fingers before she looked over to George.
He was still and quiet, staring over the hundreds of tombstones scattered neatly on the plot of land.
Judith was unsure of what to say or do in that moment.
"George?"she whispered faintly.
Although by the way George reacted to her voice, it was as if she had been standing only a few inches away before screaming into his ear.
He jumped causing her to jump and take a step back cautiously.
"I'm sorry." he muttered, shaking his head. "It's just-"
"I know George, you don't have to explain anything to me. I have people I know buried here as well."
George met her gaze. "Renna?"
"And my father."
Entering a cemetery on a supposed date was the last thing most people would do, but entering through the iron gate together, neither one of them protested the idea.
"I didn't know your dad was buried here as well, I didn't even know that-" George stopped himself.
"Happened a long time ago." Judith told him. "Technically, he's not buried here. His ashes were scattered in several places that he loved...we just have a tombstone here if we ever feel the need to visit. We scattered the majority of his ashes in his garden, he had a really big obsession with gardening. He was good at it too. There's a funny thing too about it..."
"What?" George asked, wondering what could be funny about the man's death.
"Follow me." she said.
She led him through the cemetery passing several tombstones before they came upon one with several flowers.
"No matter how cold or how terrible the weather is, there is always at least one flower that lives on his grave site. All of my family claims they never planted the flowers, they just appeared shortly after. So while, his ashes are scattered, I like to think he visits here on occasion to tend to his plants. His herb and flower garden still flourishes to this day every spring."
"Is that where you get your love of tea from?" he asked her with a small smile. "Being around the flowers and herbs all the time when you were younger?"
"You know, I never thought of that really. Didn't think to put two and two together. The tea shop job was just something I took on after school, while I was learning metal charming. Once I get good enough with it there, I'll probably just take over my grandfather's shop work. But I do love my teas."
It was only a few minutes later that the two were standing in front of Fred Weasley's tombstone, Judith felt her chest tighten and a lump develop in her throat as she peered out at George. The happy man that had kept her entertained and laughing in the Leaky Cauldron no longer existed as he stared at the resting spot of his twin.
"I never know what to say when I come out here... I know he can't hear me."
"No, " Judith said, " he can hear you George. I know....I'm sure he's always listening to you. I'm certain."
"How can you be so sure?" George huffed. "It's not like anyone gets a response, how can you ever know? You could be talking to thin air."
"I just know trust me, when I say that. Fred can hear every word you direct to him. There's just not much you can do once you cross over."
George turned to her fully to see that her eyes were locked on the tombstone.
"What are you talking about?"
She swallowed. "Nothing. Never mind. I should...I should probably go." she said pointing to the direction of the gate and stepping away from him.
He paused as she came to a stop.
Judith halted in front of Renna's tombstone and then turned her head realizing she had been so close to Fred's grave any time she had visited Renna.
She suddenly plopped herself down in front of Renna's resting place and allowed her finger tips to trail over the cold marble stone, with the lettering of her friend's name.
No matter how many times she had sat in front of the same stone, it never became easier to sit in silence.
Why she was only able to hear Renna during the time of her possession puzzled her the greatest?
Didn't Renna want to talk to her?
Why didn't she come sooner to Judith's aid all the times she had spent crying over the grave?
George left his brother's grave and wandered over to Judith's side, crouching down and letting his hand rest on her shoulder.
He figured the reason she felt so strongly about the dead listening to the living was because she too was still mourning the loss of her friend. Only to be comforted by the thought that her friend could hear her.
"Come on, Judith, we shouldn't have come in here.." he said.
"Why not?" Judith asked him. "It's not wrong to grieve. It's okay to feel sad, it means you still feel something. The day you don't cry or you don't feel anything, is the day you should be worried. Missing someone is the heart's way of reminding you that you love them."
Left in a daze by her words, George brought himself to stand straight again.
"Judith Wagner!"
The two turned quickly to see Harry Potter making his way over to them.

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.