"I probably don't have to repeat myself but just for the sake of it...I really don't think this is a good idea!" Judith dragged her feet as Bethany dragged her along, surprisingly strong for an older woman.
"Sweetheart, you'll be fine, besides someone needs to know about this."
"People do know about this. You, Grandpa and Fred. I'm good with keeping the numbers low."
"If this gets any worse, Judy, you're going to regret not telling anyone about it." Fred told her.
"Ugh, I really-" Her pleads and whines were ignored as she found herself in the Ministry of Magic building.
It was when they reached the Auror Office did she finally accept defeat that she was going to have to talk to Harry Potter.
It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to famous man, it was that she didn't want to talk to him face to face for the first time over the discussion that she was going completely bonkers.
"Please don't make me do this." she whispered to her grandmother. Bethany gave her a sympathetic look but proceeded to flag down a worker, requesting Harry Potter's presence with some very important information.
Apparently using the name Harry Potter and the words important information in the same sentence was enough to get several workers in the office moving to find the young man.
"Well, why we'll waiting and all, I'm just going to go outside for some fresh air-" Judith tried one last time to escape but Bethany's hold tightened around her arm.
"There he is." Fred whispered to the two women.
They glanced over to see the infamous Harry Potter walking down the hall with a worker whispering to him. As he neared them, a smile appeared on his face in greeting.
"Hello." he said simply. "I was told you needed to talk to Harry Potter. Well, here I am."
Fred rolled his eyes. "If I could I'd hit him."
Judith overwhelmed by everything happening, sat down on the floor holding her head.
It raised alarm between her grandmother and Harry, as they ushered her over to a seat and sat her down.
"This is horrible." she muttered.
"Could be worse," Fred said, " you could be making a scene."
"Mr. Potter," Bethany began after casting a worried glance at Judith. "My granddaughter she's not well."
"Perhaps St. Mungo's would be a better place-"
"Told you." Judith shook her head.
Bethany cleared her throat. "St. Mungo's cannot help her in this situation, Mr. Potter but we're hoping that you can."
They had at least peaked Harry's curiosity as he leaned forward on his desk.
"It...it involves, you-know-who." Bethany whispered to him.
A flash of confusion washed over Harry's face.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"It seems far fetch Mr. Potter but-"
"He's dead. Voldemort is dead." Harry said strongly.
"I'm not disagreeing with you there." she said. "But the dead are not always completely gone."
Harry arose from his chair. "What are you talking about?"
"Please, allow me to explain."
She waited for the man to sit back down.
Harry slowly lowered himself back to his seat, keeping an eye on Judith who hadn't said much of anything since they arrived. She stared blankly at the desk, as Harry was completely unaware that Fred was talking to her.
"Mr. Potter, he may be dead, but he's not gone. I..I am a medium. I can speak with the dead that have crossed over or that are placed in limbo. My grandchildren both inherited the gift from myself and right now, my granddaughter Judith is suffering from it."
"Because You-know-who has made her his target of possession."
Judith looked to the black haired man, his green eyes holding immense amount of doubt as her grandmother spoke.
She felt sick, but it wasn't the sickness that could be soothed with medicine. She felt cold and hot at the same time, her head hurt and for some reason she felt her happiness diminishing in every passing second as if she would lip locked with dementor.
"Fred," she whispered with her eyes closed, "I don't feel so good."
"Fred?!" Harry repeated.
"Fred." the voice returned. "He's not here right now."
She opened her eyes immediately to find herself surrounded by darkness.
Bethany was up on her feet in an instant watching as Judith's fingers gripped the arms of her seat tightly.Her jaw was clenched and her eyes squeezed shut as she seemed to be fighting something internally.
It didn't take long for Harry to reach her side.
"What is happening?"
"It's happening!" Bethany fretted. "He's trying to take control of her."
"No," Harry shook his head, " this isn't possible! He's dead and there's no way he can come back. I made sure of it!"
"Is that so, Potter?!" Judith spat at him suddenly. Except the voice that came from the woman's mouth was far from the feminine voice he had heard from her earlier.
Harry was frozen in place recognizing the haunting voice that had tormented his own thoughts for so long.
"You thought you could escape me, Harry Potter. But you thought wrong."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.