"I was following you until you went on about the different universes, Judith. Now I'm completely lost." Harry said rubbing his eyes.
Judith dropped her forehead to the table before her. She wasn't sure how many times she was going to have to explain it to the two younger men and George who sat beside her holding onto her shaking hand.
"Look, it's not simple by any means, but let's just leave it in this way. There are many different timelines. In one world Harry, you live, another you die, another you aren't the boy who lived. You're just Harry Potter and nothing more. Do you understand?"
"Somewhat...but what does this have to do with Voldemort?" Harry asked.
"Because if he figures out a way to alter a time line in his favor...we're in big trouble. If he goes back in time and changes things in his favor...who knows what we could be up against."
Ron's eyes widened. "You mean he would go back in time and change things so that ...that.."
"So that all the events that led to his demise end up turning into the events that lead to his victory." George said.
"But how can he do that?" Ron asked.
"If one can travel back in time in some form, it doesn't mean it's the only form. If he figures out a way...my brother was much more valuable to him than myself because my brother knows the Ministry and now he has a follower." Judith answered.
"Then we up security at the Ministry. We don't let anyone near the Department of Mysteries...and we spread the search for the Wagners." Harry said. "Is there any place that they could be? Any place...that while it seemed unlikely they could have gone they would be now?"
Judith thought as hard as she could but couldn't think of a place. "I don't know Harry, I really don't."
"Well if you think of anything let me know because-"
There was a knock at the Burrow door. All the men were on edge and arose with their wands drawn fully prepared for whoever stood outside the door.
Judith stood up slowly and suddenly, Fred appeared through the door.
"Did you knock?" she asked him.
Harry, Ron and George looked to Judith as she spoke to what seemed to be thin air.
"No, it wasn't me. But she's with me. Tell them to lower their wands. Now."
Judith swallowed at the sight and sound of Fred being stern.
"Lower your wands." she said. "The person poses no threat."
The men slowly lowered their wands while Judith waited for Fred to explain who was at the door.
"What did...what's going on Fred?" she asked.
"I brought her here...I probably shouldn't have but..I did." Fred answered her.
There was another knock at the door.
"Hello?" a female voice called out.
"Who is it, Judith?" George asked her.
"I'm assuming a friend." Judith said walking over, Harry and Ron tried to stop her but she pushed by them gently. "It's alright, Fred's the one who led her here. I don't think he would if he didn't trust her."
Judith reached the door and opened it to reveal an old classmate.
Eleanor Ross as she remembered, a Hufflepuff. Judith remembered her from the time that Cedric Diggory had been killed during the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. She was one to take the field and cry over her friend's dead body.
Often times she had passed her in the hall or even had class with her, they never spoke though, but Judith could tell she was a kind enough soul. Many times she was seen in the hall knitting but always with a smile on her face. But there was no smile on the woman's face that moment, instead she looked rather confused and terribly sad.
"Eleanor..." Judith said softly before looking to where Fred stood. Now she understood who it was that Fred looked after as well.
"Please." Eleanor spoke. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" She reached into the pocket of her pants. "I...I..."
Judith watched as she pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and began unfolding it, several tears fell from Eleanor's eyes before she handing the paper to Judith. The woman's hand shook as she held the letter out.
"This was written to me." Eleanor said after clearing her throat and wiping at her eyes.
Judith took the note.
"Funny thing is, I watched as it was written." she continued. "But I couldn't see who was writing it."
George looked at the woman that stood in the doorway and rubbed his hand over his mouth, realizing who it was.
"Oh Freddie."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.