While Judith didn't want to believe that Eleanor was dead, as time passed the woman didn't stir or awake from her lifeless state. With Fred nowhere to be seen, she had to assume that the worst had happened, Eleanor was in fact dead and Fred had gone to the other side to be there for her arrival.
Nathaniel was still in the room, the aurors surrounding him with their wands drawn as the man was having a nervous breakdown over what he had done.
"You have to believe me! I didn't...I didn't want to do anything like that. I didn't want to hurt her, let along kill her!" Nathaniel cried out.
"We know it wasn't you, Nathan." Judith told him. "But right now...you're a high risk, he still has possession of your body and at any given second you could...." Her voice trailed off before she held onto George tightly. She knew George's concern rested with Fred because even if the situation allowed Fred and Eleanor to be together, the fact that Fred had watched her die was probably killing Fred all over again.
"I can...I can cross over and see what's going on." Judith whispered to George. "I can cross into Limbo."
"Judith that can be dangerous, especially right now-"
"Do you want to know if Fred's there or not?"
George frowned. "Of course I do..but...if he is, he's going to be in a lot of pain."
"The only good thing about this is, if he's in a lot of pain, Eleanor is there to comfort him and I think that's what he always wanted...for her to see him or communicate with him. That's why he brought her into the mix. None of us expected this to happen though. Just...watch over my body while I'm gone. The others should still be guarding my channel on the other side so I should be safe there."
George didn't look fully convinced but he didn't protest anymore.
"Okay...I just..." he didn't say anything more before he gave her a hug. "Be careful."
Judith closed her eyes and waited for a the moment when she found herself back in the spirit world. It seemed to happen sooner than she expected as she found herself back in Limbo. She was sitting on the floor before she looked around. Suddenly, a hand was placed in her face, she looked up to see, she saw Sirius standing before her.
"Welcome back." he greeted her.
"Thanks...I wish it was under better circumstances." she told him before he pulled her up to her feet.
"Well, it's probably not as bad as you think." Sirius told her. "Death can also be a very beautiful thing, depending on how you look at it."
He pointed in a direction, making her look over. Judith saw Fred standing there, along with Remus Lupin, Cedric Diggory, another girl and a woman that she didn't recognize but only could assume it was her mother.
Eleanor had been reunited with her family in the afterlife.
"While Death can be painful for those left behind, it brings peace to the person the majority of the time." Sirius said before guiding her forward.
When she reached them, Eleanor was holding onto onto Cedric and the girl in a hug before releasing them and turning to face her.
"Judith." she smiled kindly at her.
"Eleanor, I am so sorry." Judith immediately began to apologize.
"Don't be sorry, Judith, it wasn't your fault." Eleanor reassured her placing a hand on her shoulder. "And I don't blame Nathaniel either, don't allow him to blame himself, I know it wasn't his fault."
Judith bit her lower lip but nodded her head. She looked to Fred, his facial expression unreadable at the moment. It was mixture of happiness and sorrow. Happy to reunited with the woman he loved but sad that it had to be under those circumstances.
Judith walked over to him as Eleanor spoke with her parents, she didn't seem upset at all with her death. She looked incredibly happy to be surrounded by all the people she had loved and lost at some point in her life. She didn't look like she was in pain anymore.
"It's okay, Fred." Judith whispered to him.
"No, it's not...I shouldn't have brought her from her home...I shouldn't have contacted her, I was being selfish and this is where it got her."
"Fred...she looks happy. Look at her...I know this is under horrible circumstances, but she's back with her family and friends. She missed them so much and now...now you two can be together as well. Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Not like this!" Fred snapped at her.
Everyone grew quiet as they looked in their direction.
Eleanor moved away from the small group gathered and walked over to them. Fred looked away from her but rather than letting him continue to ignore them, she reached out and grabbed his hand.
"Everything is going to be okay, Fred." She told him. She turned back to Judith. "I think I figured something out..."
Judith looked at her. "Really?"
"Yes and it involves some time travel."
"But you won't be traveling in time...at least not in physical form."
"Then how?"
Eleanor smiled.
"In spirit form."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanficJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.