Chapter Sixty

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Judith could feel the hard surface beneath as she awoke to a bright light beaming in her face.  Her heart sank in her chest, realizing that she was dead, and was being welcomed to the light of the other side. She had failed, all because she had lacked the confidence to push herself and at least attempt the task. George was dead, Fred was dead, Renna was dead, and Eleanor was dead. Perhaps her entire family had met an ill fate as well, and it would absolutely shatter her heart when she saw them face to face again. She would never be able to forgive herself for failing the people she had known and loved dearly.

"Why couldn't I be better?" she cursed herself internally. She opened her eyes fully after spending a few seconds squinting trying to adjust to the light. However, as her eyes adjusted, the light didn't appear to be the familiar light of the spirit world.

It was sunlight.


"ELLIE!" The unfamiliar voice startled Judith as she quickly shot up to find herself in a bedroom. A bedroom she had never been in before.


Judith's head whipped to the side as another voice came from beside her. Sitting on a small bed, was a young familiar looking girl. Resting on the bed was a ball of yarn, two knitting needles, and a layout of a knitting pattern.

The small brown haired child looked towards her door with an annoyed look as the other voice didn't respond.

"Mum?" she called out.

"Eleanor Ross, get down here!"

"Ugh." the child sighed.

"Ellie?" Judith breathed. "ELLIE!" she cried out in joy.

But Eleanor didn't respond to her as the girl picked herself up off the bed and headed towards the direction of the door.

"But Mum, I'm busy, I was just finishing up a sti-"

"I said now, young lady!"

"I said now, young lady." Eleanor whispered under her breath in a mocking tone. "Keep your knickers on woman."

"What was that?!"

"Oh that she can hear. This woman is going to be the death of me." Eleanor scoffed before leaving the bedroom. "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Judith pushed herself up to her feet before looking around the room.

"I...I did it. I went back in time. come she couldn't see me or hear me?"

Judith held her hand out in front of her, and similar to when she had experienced the other spirits, she saw that her hand was transparent as well.

"I'm dead?" she said to herself. "N-no I ca.."

She remembered the shout of the Killing Curse and the pain she felt tear through her body. She looked down to her chest and abdomen.

"I'm dead."

She heard Eleanor coming up the stairs again before her mother called her right back down.


Immediately, Judith began looking around again.

"I'm here, I traveled back through time...I can still do something. I can try."

Unfortunately, Judith was unsure of how to move anything with her spiritual energy as Fred had learned.

"I just have to focus." she said. She closed her eyes and walked over to attempt to pick up a small object. She saw Eleanor's knitting needle on the bed and nodded her head in determination.

She reached out and tried to picked it up but her hand went right through.

"No, come on!"

She tried over and over but was met with no success.

"How in the hell did Fred do this?!"

Panic rose in her chest as she heard Eleanor coming up the stairs after dealing with her mother. 

"Come on! Come on! I can do something!" She reached for it again and again.

Out of pure anger and frustration, Judith let out a scream before swiping at the knitting needle only to knock it across the room.

She stood dead still as Eleanor came back into her room, closing her door over.

"Goodness." Eleanor huffed before returning to her bed. She picked up her work and set it in her lap before going to pick up her knitting needles. However, there was only one for her to grab.

"Wha-" The girl whipped her head around before sitting up on her bed, checking to make sure if she didn't sit on it. "Where did that little bugger go? I swear I just had it here..."

She stood up and began walking around while Judith watched her search around her room.

But with no such luck to finding it, Eleanor scratched the top of her head.

"Did I bring it downstairs with me?" The girl left the room once more. Judith stared in the direction in which the knitting needle hid beneath Eleanor's small heater in the room.

Walking over, Judith sat down on the edge of Eleanor's bed.

"Well, at least I got to move something..but it didn't work..what am I supposed to-"

Judith was forced to raise her arms quickly in response to a blinding light appearing in the middle of the bedroom. She felt a powerful gust of wind, that caused her hair to whip around violently.

"Wh- what!" She felt her body being pulled towards it, unable to grab onto anything, she was being sucked into the vortex of light. "Wait! Wait! Not yet! I still need to help! I need to change something! Not yet! Please!"

Unable to fight the sheer force, Judith could only close her eyes as the light became too intense.

"I was so close."

Eleanor returned to her room with a stumped look on her face.

"How does a knitting needle just disappear into thin air?!"

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now