Chapter Thirty

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Once Harry determined that there was nothing wrong in Judith's flat, he decided to return back to the Burrow, but he did inform that there would be an Auror around every hour to check on the home.

"I really don't think that's necessary, Harry. Seems to be a bit overkill-" Judith began but Harry interrupted her with a shake of his head.

"We can't take chances right now. " Harry said. "Never in a million years would I have ever thought this to be possible. We don't know how to handle this, so it's best that we be as cautious as possible."

"You ought to listen to him, Judith," Fred said. "After all, he is the Chosen One." He snorted loudly.

"Quiet Fred."

"What did he say?" Harry and George asked.

Judith's eyes widened while Fred leaned back in his chair with a wide grin. "Go ahead, Judith. Tell them."

"Nothing, he's just mumbling to himself like a crazy person." she said.

"No I wasn't!"

She cleared her throat and arose to her feet, to walk Harry to the door.

"If you need anything or if anything happens, go straight to the Burrow." Harry told her.

"I will, but I'm sure I'll be fine here." she said. "Thank you, though."

Harry nodded and a few moments later, he was gone.

Judith walked over to her sofa and sat down, closing her eyes until she felt someone else sit beside her. Of course, it could only be one person. She looked over to see George watching her, concern obvious on his face.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"I'm fine." she said. "It's just..everything in my life had been so quiet and then it became so hectic."

"I don't think your life was ever that quiet..." he said. "From what you told me, it's been pretty eventful."

"Well, in a sense, I never thought I would find myself  in this type of predicament. When the war ended, I thought it was all over. I thought everything would go back to normal, or at least try to go back to as normal as possible. Everyone tells me not to feel responsible for what's happening, but I still feel like I am."

"Why would you feel responsible for something like this? This is completely out of your control-"

'Because, I didn't have the gift for the longest time and I didn't want it when I was younger. I wanted nothing to do with spirits or the other side. Unlike my grandmother and Nathaniel. But after Renna died, I wanted the gift to appear just so I could talk to her. I just wanted to say goodbye to her properly."

"Maybe she hasn't come to you yet because she doesn't know how to say goodbye." George told her.

Judith bit the inside of her cheek. "I suppose you're right."

"You know what I think?" George said.

"What's that?"

"I think when the time is right, you and Renna will be able to talk to each other and make peace."

"I certainly hope so."

Judith was tired but couldn't bring herself to go to bed as she and George sat on her sofa for the majority of the night talking.

Fred would interject his own, while Judith spoke for him.

George was glad to hear his brother join in the conversation even if he was only hearing Fred through Judith. He was okay with it, only because the things he said, George knew only Fred would say those things.

Eventually, sleep overcame both George and Judith as the two fell asleep leaning against each other.

"Well, isn't this a picture worthy moment?" Fred smiled.

The night went on and Fred remained guard while his brother and Judith slept. He wouldn't be able to do much if anyone arrived, but at least he would be able to alert Judith.

He looked out the small window that overlooked the street and kept a vigil watch through the night. He saw several Aurors pass during the hours, checking on the home and then leaving.

At some point, George awoke somewhat and grabbed a quilt that was hanging off the back of the sofa and draped it over himself and Judith as she nuzzled into his side for warmth.

Fred walked over and watched as the two settled back to sleep before he sat himself at the kitchen table. 

Some wilting flowers were left in a vase, and Fred began to wonder about his ability to touch things like he had back in the Burrow.

He concentrated on the flowers, attempting to even make a petal move. Over and over, he tried to swipe at them, but nothing happened.

He was growing frustrated with every passing minute as he was unable to do anything. He felt hopeless in the moment, and with an angry cry, he swiped at the flower vase.

Suddenly, it crashed to the floor waking George and Judith from their slumber.

Judith looked over the back of the sofa while Fred stood there.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, " I was trying to make it move."

Judith placed her hand on George who was on full alert. "It's okay." she said softly. "It was only Fred."

"Fred did that?" George pointed to the broken glass.

"Oh don't act like you haven't broken something before." Fred said. "Ever since he lost his ear, he thinks he's holy-"

Judith clapped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

"What? What did he say?"


The conversation was going to have to wait as Judith's front door exploded off it's hinges.  Wood showered the small living room, as Judith and George shielded themselves with their arms.

When Judith lowered her arm, she saw her brother standing in the doorway.


"Hello Judith."

The voice did not belong to Nathaniel.

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