Chapter Seventeen

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"Fight him, Judith!" Fred's voice brought Judith back to focus, as she struggled for control of her body. She could feel her mouth moving and she could hear the voice but it didn't belong to her.

 It belonged to him.

"Fight him!" Fred continued to urge her. But she wasn't sure how to fight the possession, she couldn't even figure out how to move her fingertips on her own. She was trapped inside her own body but she wasn't alone.

"Think about something that makes you happy! Think about the people you love. Think about Renna!"

Judith focused with all her might on every memory that had every made her happy. From the time she was sorted into Ravenclaw her first year, to the late nights of jumping from bed to bed with Renna celebrating a Ravenclaw win.

"That's it, Judith, keep going. More happy thoughts!"

It was as if she could feel something attached to all her innards being ripped from her, all the while as she kept her thoughts occupied with memories of Renna, her best friend and spiritual sister.

"Judith," a softer voice soothed her.

It was Renna's voice, Judith could hear it loud and clear.

A memory flooded her vision, bringing Judith back to her fifth year at school. 

Sick in bed in the hospital wing with a nasty cold, Judith waited for Madam Pomfrey to tend to her. But while she waited, Renna sat at the end of her bed, sitting with her legs crossed beneath her.

"Leave it to you to get sick on a Hogsmeade Weekend, Jude." Renna shook her head at her. "Now how else am I supposed to get my sweet fix?"

"You can still go without me." Judith told her before hacking from her gross cough. "You don't have to keep me company. I'm sick, Renna."

"I can see that but I'm going to stay right here. You're my best friend and you're sick, I'm not just going to leave you here. We stick together through thick and thin, remember?"

Judith coughed again as she started laughing. "We're beginning to sound like a married couple, Renna."

"I mean it though. You stayed with me that whole night after I fell off my broom and broke my leg. So I'm going to stay right here with you, even if you're all gross and sick."


The pain was becoming unbearable, it was like having every bone being broken over and over. However, as she fought through the pain, she felt herself move her toes.

"Hold on Judith, I'm going to stay right here with you. Through thick and thin.

She couldn't see Renna but she could feel her friend's presence.

By then, several Aurors wandered over to the scene including Fred's brother Ron, who stared as the woman thrashed around in the seat. 

Harry was pale, and already his brow was drenched in sweat as he swallowed hard.

"She's fighting it." Bethany said to him. "She's fighting to gain control back."

With a sudden gasp, Judith's thrashing came to a halt before she let out an ear piercing scream. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and then her body went completely limp in the chair.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" Ron said.

Bethany pulled her granddaughter's body into her, grabbing the young woman by the face.

"Judith, Judith sweetheart...come on wake up for Nana." she patted the sides of Judith's face until the woman began to stir.


Judith's eyes opened slowly but looked to her grandmother as her breathing was slow and her voice raspy.

"It hurts, Nana."

"Shh...I know sweetheart. I know." Bethany did her best not to cry in front of Judith, trying to keep strong in the insane situation they were on. "But you did so good. You fought the possession, you forced him out."

"I didn't do it." Judith said faintly. "It was Renna. I wasn't strong enough..."

"No, don't talk like that, Judith. You did great." Bethany held Judith close to her trying to comfort her as Fred appeared looking as though he had seen the most horrid thing in the world.

Harry stared down at the floor quietly. It had been no mistake, he had heard the voice of Voldemort, something he never expected to hear again.

The poor woman in front of him looked as though she had been through hell and back. He could only imagine what she felt, there had been times where Voldemort had penetrated his mind, altered visions for him to see, but he had never taken over Harry's body completely.

As the woman vomited in the closest bin out of pure nauseous, Harry couldn't blame her, he was feeling sick to his stomach as well.

"How?" It was the only thing he could bring himself to ask.

Bethany peered up at him.

"Spirits are much stronger than you think, Mr. Potter especially those with a mission in mind. But they are even stronger when they feed off of negative energy."

"Harry," Ron called to him," what is she talking about? What's going on?"

"I really have no idea." Harry said," but it's not good."

Judith with the assistance of Harry himself was brought back to her grandparent's home to lie down. The group hesitated to bring her to St. Mungo's as it would be nearly impossible to explain the situation to those who hadn't witnessed it.

She laid on the bed, her back facing the door as she kept her eyes closed hoping everyone would leave her alone.

"Fred?" she called out.

"Don't worry, I'm still here, everyone else has left though, you don't have to pretend to sleep anymore.'

She rolled onto her back.

"What happened to me?"

"He was able to get inside your body, Judith. Your guard was down and he...he went for it."

"It hurt so bad."

"It was his spirit trying to attach himself to your soul, Judith. At least that's what your grandmother said.

"Can he do that?" she asked weakly.

"I don't know. I don't know much more about this than you do."

"I guess that was one way of getting Harry to believe me."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now