Chapter Fifty Nine

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"How do we go about doing this?" Judith asked the others.

"We're not entirely sure." Fred said in a truthful manner.

"What?!" Judith screamed at them.

"We're kinda just going with it." Eleanor told her with a grin.

"You guys can't be serious?" she said looking back and forth between the three.

"No, we're not, he's not here right now." Renna said. "Now, let's get to this, shall we?"

"Do you have some place to be?" Judith questioned her.

"Uh, yeah, helping you save the wizarding world...come on now, Jude, get with the program."

"But we don't even know what we're doing!" Judith said. "This could all end horribly."

"And it can end great, too." Eleanor said. "You just have to have a little faith in yourself Judith, you can do this. You just have to get into your spirit form and-"

"I don't know how to do that. I've only really traveled to Limbo-"

"You have to leave your body." Fred said. "Just like your brother did in his sleep. That's what you have to do, and you have to make your way here."

"But I can't..I don't know how!" she said. "Please listen, this probably isn't a good idea."

"Stop doubting yourself, you can do this!" Fred yelled at her. "Do you want to give this world a second chance at being better? Potentially save lives? I'm not even talking about mine anymore, I'm talking about the others...Eleanor..Renna..everyone who died in the could potentially save them. But you have to stop doubting yourself."

"He's right, Judith, you've always been smart and you've always known what to do. You just have believe in yourself the way we believe in you." Renna said. "And don't worry, we're going to be right with you."

"Where do we even go? At one point in time, do we venture to?"

"Any! It doesn't matter!" Eleanor told her. "Any small thing in the past can chance the outcome of the future."

"What if it doesn't? What if it's not enough?"

"You have to try!" Renna said. "You remember all those times you told me not to give up during a quidditch match, even if the outcome looked terrible, and there was no way of winning. All you ever did was tell me to keep going to keep trying. Now it's your turn."

Judith looked to the three faces.

"I don't want to fail any of you."

"And you won't."  Fred said.

"We won't let you." Eleanor smiled. "You can do this, Judith."


Suddenly, a loud crash came from outside the Time Room, shouts were heard and lights flickered beneath the door through the cracks.

"We need to go now!" Renna urged her.

The door burst open revealing Nathaniel standing with a wand in hand and a wicked grin on his face as he stared down his sister.

"Nathaniel?" Judith felt her breath hitch in her throat as she looked at her older brother, however, it was obvious that it wasn't Nathaniel by the curled grin.

"That's George's wand!" Fred growled angrily. "What did you do with my brother?!" 

"Oh...I thought you two would like to be reunited, no?" Nathaniel cackled in the tone of the Dark Lord.

"No!" Judith screamed. "NO! Not George! Not George!"

"Yes, George!" Nathaniel said. "Care to join him?!"  The wand was raised pointing directly towards Judith, but before she could react, Fred used all the energy he could to force Nathaniel's body to the floor, and suddenly, he vanished.

"Where did he go?!" Judith cried.

"He used too much spiritual energy, he couldn't stay!" Renna said. "Judith do it! Just go!" She said before going to stand before Nathaniel to protect her best friend.

"What do I do?"

Eleanor made her way over to her and pointed to the Time Turners.  "You have to hurry." Eleanor said looking over at Nathaniel with a worried expression and the man pushed himself up to his feet to retrieve the wand.

"Come with me!" Judith told her reaching for Eleanor's hand but it fell right through the woman's spirit.

"Hopefully the next time we see each other, it'll be under better circumstances." Eleanor said with a kind smile.

Without thinking further and hot tears running down her face, Judith began to grab at the suspended Time Turners, as soon as she grabbed one, she felt a jolt in her body. Her body twisted and convulsed making her feel like she was going to be sick to her stomach at any given moment. Everything began spinning, making her dizzy as she closed her eyes.

She heard the Dark Lord's voice once more before everything went dark.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A painful burning sensation ripped through her body as she felt her body being pulled in several direction, becoming too much for her to handle, as her body went limp and collapsed to the floor.

"I...I..failed." she thought to herself. "I let everyone down, everyone is dead because of me."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now