Judith tried to scream for help but water continued to fill her lungs, she thrashed around frantically as a force held her down. She was growing dizzy from the lack of oxygen and her body screamed but she couldn't find herself being able to pull herself out of the tub.
Her vision grew darker and darker, until a hand reached out and grabbed her hand.
"Judith!" A voice echoed through the water.
She was yanked forward, gasping for air as she pulled out of the water of the water only to find herself alone in the bathroom.
She looked down to her hand, but there was no hand holding onto hers anymore.
Whipping her head around, there was no sign of anyone every being in the bathroom. She peered down at her naked body remembering the pressure she had felt pushing against her, but there were no marks.
She sat up gripping the sides of the tub as she pulled herself out of the tub. Grabbing the nearest towel, Judith wrapped it tightly around her body and stared at the table until the cold air reminded her that she needed to get dressed.
"Are you sure?" Bethany asked with a frown as she sat across from Judith at the kitchen table.
Judith's fingers trembled as she held the tea cup in her hands firmly. "Yes, I could feel it, it was holding me under...I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe no matter what I did. Then out of nowhere, I heard the voice and then I was pulled out. But there was no one there...You don't believe me do you?"
"No of course I do, sweetheart." Bethany said reaching her hand out and resting on Judith's wrist. She watched as her granddaughter flinched at the touch. "I just need to make sure I understand everything that happened so I can at least try to help you."
"What's happening to me, Nana?"
"I don't know."
"Stay with her, Fred. Make sure that if she starts crying in her sleep or anything that you wake her up and if you can't, get us and we'll wake her up." Beth instructed Fred.
"We can't just let this happen," Fred said. "If he's trying to take over her body, maybe it's out of her control, maybe happy thoughts can't save her. She should talk to Harry..."
"Harry as in Harry Potter?"
"Yes...he'll know what to do."
"And you honestly believe he'll believe her?"
"He's been through some pretty crazy things, I don't think he'll be questioning her too much."
Judith laid on the bed, staring out at the window at the full moon that shone through into the room. Unable to sleep as her mind kept her wide awake. The voice that had called out to her before she was dragged out of the water, had sounded so familiar. However, she couldn't place the name which drove her crazy.
"You should try and sleep." Fred told her from where he sat in the window seat. "You need it."
"How am I supposed to sleep?" she sighed. "Awake or not it seems I'm losing my mind."
"You're not losing your mind, you're just..."
"No." he chuckled. "Stop being so hard on yourself and sleep."
"Promise that you'll-"
"If you even make a squeak in your sleep, I promise I will wake you up." he said.
"Thank you."
She buried her face into her pillow, closing her eyes and slowed her breathing.
"Can you just sit over here beside me?"
"You mean on the bed?" he asked puzzled.
"Are you sure?"
Standing up, Fred walked over to where she was and sat down on the bed, leaning up against the headboard.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." he said.
It was quiet for a few more minutes before Judith spoke again.
"Yes, Judith?"
"When I was in the bathtub, I heard a voice." she said.
"Besides you know who's?"
"Yes, it belonged to the person that pulled me out of the water."
"What about it?"
"I think it was Renna's voice."
"You think?"
"I couldn't fully tell, I only heard it through the water, but I really believe it was her."
Fred smiled. "Well, if it was, it seems as though she's still looking out for you."
The next morning, Judith sat across from her grandmother and grandfather at the kitchen table. Her grandfather scratched the back of his head as her grandmother finished talking.
"You want me to talk to who?!" Judith quickly shook her head at her grandmother's suggestion.
"I'm gonna get started on breakfast!" Norman announced excusing himself from the table to avoid anymore of the conversation.
"I know it sounds a little out there right now, but you need to tell someone about this who has dealt with this before." Bethany told her.
"Nana, I dont think Harry Potter was ever possessed by Voldemort."
"Well, you're wrong there..." Fred said. "Voldemort was basically a part of him for awhile so in a sense he was possessed."
"Okay, so even if he was, how is going to help me?"
"You'll have to see what he says." Bethany said.
"This isn't going to end well, I can just tell." Judith groaned.

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.