Chapter Thirty Six

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Judith walked quietly into the room where her grandmother and grandfather were. Grandpa Norman was asleep in his bed, but her grandmother was sitting up resting against some pillows.

"Hey Nana." Judith whispered to her, with George and Fred behind her.

"Oh Judith, sweetheart, come here." Bethany motioned her over. Immediately Judith found herself in the warm embrace of her grandmother's hug. She instantly sighed in relief that her grandparents were fine. "Are you okay?"

"I...I'm alright, Nana. I don't mean to be forward, but I need to ask you something very important."

"Go ahead sweetheart, I'm all ears."

Judith sat down on the side of the bed, while Bethany patted the bed, giving George permission to sit as well.

"I'll just stand then!" Fred said dramatically.

"You sit down too, Fred." Bethany smiled.

"Thank you, don't mind if I do." Fred climbed over the bottom of the bed and nestled himself in between Judith and George without George knowing.

Judith looked at him, and shook her head.

"What? Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I don't like my comfort!"

"What happened?" Bethany asked Judith.

Judith began to explain the scenario to her grandmother about the spirits attempting to communicate her.

"They were talking but I couldn't hear them, it was like they were muttering."

"You're still new to this dear." Bethany said. "So it's hard for you to open up your channel for the spirits to communicate with you."

"I don't understand, I can talk to Fred, clearly."

"Yes, but Fred himself has a lot of spiritual energy on his own, and he sought you out. He was your first-"

Fred snorted causing the women to glare at him.

George grinned, knowing all too well what Fred had probably done. 

"You're still a git, Freddie." George chuckled to himself.

"As I was saying," Bethany continued," Fred was the first spirit to get into contact with you and prior to that, you knew him. It may have not been on a real personal level, but you knew each other, which probably strengthened it more. As for these other spirits, it's up to you to communicate to them."

"But how-"

"You have to focus on them individually, and learn how to open up your channeling before you can communicate with multiple. Right now you can only communicate with one spirit at a time, which is Fred."

"Did you hear that Judith, I'm special." Fred smiled.

"Yes Fred, we know. You're very very special." Judith said with an eye roll before turning back to her grandmother. "So how do I open up my channel, I don't even know how to do that. I don't know how I did it in the first place."

"In this scenario, I would focus on one person, and watch their mouths, focus on the words they are trying to tell you and nothing else. It should work, that's how I learned."

Judith nodded. "I'll try, but I don't even know how I ended up there to be honest."

"Well, like your brother, apparently you can project your spirits during your sleep. It's a very vulnerable time, but it's easier to access spirits without a guard up. I just...I don't know if you should be looking to communicate with any spirits right now besides Fred, sweets. You haven't heard anything about your brother's whereabouts?"

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry, the Aurors are stationed in all locations I could think of Nana. They looked at his job, his flat, my flat, your house...I don't know where he could be hiding."

"Don't go stressing yourself out, Judith. As long as you're safe right now-"

"She is." George interjected.

Bethany looked over at him with a smile.

"She's been staying with us, at the family home. No harm will come to her under our watch."

"This guy..." Fred said pointing to his brother while smiling at Bethany, " he's a keeper, isn't he?"

"Thought he was a beater." Judith said.

George appeared confused while Fred and Judith exchanged grins.

"I don't understand what's going on." George said to Bethany.

"It's probably best you don't." Bethany smiled. 

Judith noticed her grandfather waking up and moved to his bed, while Bethany grabbed George's hand pulling him closer to her.

"Please...just make sure she stays with you. Keep her safe. I don't know what Nathaniel is capable of with that monster inside of him. I don't know if he can saved..." she whispered so that Judith couldn't hear, " but I don't want to lose both of them."

"You won't." George promised her. "I won't let anything happen to Judith and I know she loves her brother very much, so I will do the best I can to ensure that he comes out of this unharmed."

"Thank you." Bethany said resting back. "You're a true gentleman. Judith is very lucky to have a friend like you."

"Thing about that is, the two of them want to be more than friends, if you catch my drift." Fred told Bethany nodding his head in the direction of George who was glancing over at Judith.

"Oh I'm sure, but I think you want the same for them, don't you Fred?"

"I just want whatever makes my brother happy and it so happens that what makes him happy is Judith. I approve."

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