Fred knew he couldn't spend all day with Eleanor, she had no idea he was there in the kitchen watching as she would just stare off into the distance. He felt creepy watching her, but all he wanted to do was comfort her and tell her everything would be okay. But he couldn't.
Or could he?
She had fixed herself something to eat but she hardly touched the food as she sat at the kitchen table.
"Don't be sad Ellie." he said reaching his hand across to where hers rested on the table. At first, she didn't seem to notice, but he watched as she shivered slightly before pulling her hand back and staring at the table in confusion.
He frowned, he didn't want to scare her, but he didn't want her to believe that she was alone either. He looked at the yarn sitting on the table and began to focus his energy on it. At one point, he finally got it to move.
He saw her eyes follow the yarn as they widened watching it move on it's own. She didn't seem scared but she seemed highly confused.
"" she whispered softly as she moved her hand over the yarn but only felt the cold in a certain area. "Hello? someone there?"
The yarn stopped moving.
Judith hadn't seen or heard from Fred and she was worried when she entered Limbo and none of the other spirits had been in contact with him.
"I know spirits can't physically get hurt or feel pain-" she began just Sirius interrupted her.
"You're somewhat wrong there, I'm afraid." he said.
"What do you mean?"
"We may not be able to physically feel pain such as a pinch, but we still feel pain. Pain of leaving those we love behind..." Sirius said with a slight frown. "One might be ready to accept their death, but it doesn't mean we want to leave our love ones behind. We feel guilt for not doing better, or not doing something different. That's why many spirits come to Limbo, so that we may watch over our families to make sure they are okay."
"I'm sorry." Judith said looking over to the men who sat before her. "I didn't know."
"It's alright." Remus told her. "Consider yourself lucky that you don't know how it feels."
Judith placed her hands in her laps and studied the faces of the spirits before her.
"I need help. I need to know everything that you all know about the Dark Lord, I need to figure out if there is a pattern or something I'm missing. He has a plan and of course, he already has a follower, I need to figure out what he plans on doing. He has a human body right now working as a vessel, but I have a feeling he wants his own body and Bellatrix is going to follow his every move."
"He can't jump bodies though." Remus said. "At least I don't think he would be able to. If spirits were able to possess anybody, many of the spirits here wouldn't be's only the people that have the open you."
"I agree." Judith nodded. "But I think he's up to something."
"Well that's obvious." Sirius said. "The question is what?"
James and Remus looked at Sirius. "That's what she was getting at Sirius." James said.
Judith smiled when suddenly the group was interrupted by Judith being shaken awake.
She shook her head and found herself back in the Burrow with Ron and Harry standing before her, Ron still shaking her.
"I'm awake!" she said sitting up,"please stop shaking me."
Ron let go of her.
"Judith, it's urgent!" Harry exclaimed. "Your brother was spotted."
Judith was on her feet in less than a second. "What?! Where?"
"Apparently he was feeling rather bold and strutted into the Ministry today." Ron said.
"What?! How was he not caught?"
'He was, but he escaped." Harry said.
"Ho...never mind what did he do while at the Ministry?"
"He was in the Department of Mysteries."
Judith stood still for a second. "The one that deals with love, death, and time. Of course he would go there."
"I don't get it." Ron said.
"I don't fully understand it myself, but think about it." Judith said. "He's looking at key elements that could bring him into power. Fred and George both told me that the reason the Dark Lord was defeated the first time was because he didn't understand the concept of love. He has a second chance right now because Death brought him to be a spirit and he learned about what my family was capable of. "
"And Time?" Ron asked.
"I'm not sure how time correlates with all of it, but I'm sure whatever he has planned does."
Ron looked to Harry and Judith who appeared deep in thought.
"Time travel?"
Judith's eyes became wide. "That's it...that's it! Ron, you're a genius!"
"I am?! I mean....I am."
Harry turned to Ron. "You have no idea what she's getting at do you?"
"Not the slightest clue."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.