Judith sat among Aurors and the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. She was nervous, sitting among all the powerful wizards and witches that seemed to be questioning every little thing that she uttered out of her mouth. It was obvious the majority of them didn't believe a single word that Judith said. Her claim to see spirits was scoffed by several of them.
Why Harry thought this was a good idea, she would never understand. Harry sat beside Kingsley as the men went back and forth discussing things that Harry had witnessed himself along with some of the Auror's eyewitness accounts. However, while they were distracted Judith glanced up to see the dirty looks she was receiving, she knew the people in the room believed she was lying or crazy. More than likely both.
She wished that George had been able to stay with her, but Harry insisted that they needed to speak with Judith alone. Luckily, Fred remained with her unbeknownst to anyone's knowledge in the room. He seemed to be growing irritated by the looks and the remarks made by the people.
"Why is it so hard to believe you? Harry is standing by you along with other accounts made by the Aurors." he huffed.
"Just ignore them, Fred." Judith whispered to him, of course this gained the attention of all of those in the room.
"I can't-...they don't understand the danger this situation poses and yet here they are getting ready to write you off to St. Mungo's-"
"Really Fred-"
She watched as the normally jolly and humorous spirit lost his temper and suddenly, all the parchment papers on the table scattered in several directions. Several of the Aurors jumped back going for their wands and frantically looking all around them.
Judith smiled with a small chuckle as Fred's anger immediately dwindled, and a proud look spread across his face.
"I did that. Did you see that?! I did that!" Fred said happily.
All eyes were on Judith who quickly covered her mouth to conceal her amusement, everyone unaware at the spirit dancing around the room happily.
"I think you're all missing a key element here." Judith said breaking the silence in the room.
Harry and Kingsley glanced over at her waiting for her to continue.
"My brother might be possessed, but he's just one person right now. He has no followers, so he's not going to do something outright and stupid. It's going to be harder for the Dark Lord to gain followers this time around anyways, if you think about it, the majority of them are dead or locked away. Plus, I don't think he would go after his previous followers anyways, it would be far too obvious."
"So what do you think he's doing?" Kingsley asked.
"Thinking?" Judith shrugged. "I don't know. He's obviously trying to come up with some sort of plan to get to Harry. But he has to be careful this time around. Especially since I think he hasn't been able to gain full control over my brother's body. I haven't been able to locate my brother's spirit, so that means he's somewhere in his body trying to get control back. Because let me tell you, my brother doesn't like sharing and enjoys his privacy. So a dark wizard trying to share his body isn't going over so well with him."
She became distracted from her train of thought as she watched Fred attempting to move something else in the room.
One of the Auror's jumped as her hair was moved off her shoulder.
Judith's eyes widened. "He's...gaining control." she said to herself quietly. She noticed that he wasn't upset either, he seemed rather please with himself, but his face was focused.
"Harry, can I talk to you for a moment in private?"
Harry nodded and the two stepped out of the office room to find George waiting impatiently.
Judith held up her hand so that she was the first to speak.
"I don't think you guys are aware of what just happened in there." she said happily.
"What is it?" George and Harry asked.
"In some crazy way, Fred is actually gaining some sort of ability to touch things."
"So that was him who made the papers and touched..." Harry stopped talking.
"I'm confused." George said.
Judith turned to George, her eyes bright. "Fred has been able to channel his own spiritual energy enough so that he's able to touch and move things. He's getting better at it. At first, it was just when he was feeling high emotions like anger, but he's learning how to focus it. It's amazing!"
"What does this mean? That he'll be able to start communicating with us?" George asked hopefully.
Judith frowned slightly. "I don't think you'll ever be able to see him like I do, but it does mean that...he can communicate in other ways with you all. How I'm not sure...but...I'm sorry maybe this wasn't all that great of news..."
"No, it is!" George said reassuringly. "It means Fred is able to do things. This is great!"
"Well I-"
She found herself in his warm embrace, looking over his shoulder as she hugged him in return.
Harry looked surprised and then he smiled at Judith.
George was the first to pull away getting ready to say something when the door opened, but yet while Harry and George saw no one, Judith laughed as she saw Fred on the other side beaming.
"Fred's opening more doors than one now."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.