My Bella

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these characters belong to stephine myere not me!!!!

Edward's pov

"Ha Emmet you can't even beat a simple video game!" I laughed everyone joining in. "hmmph." Emmet was always the pouty type when he lost at things.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when Alice had a vision. I read her thoughts to see what it was.


Carlisle was on his way home from work when he caught the sent of a vampire that he hadn't come across before. He looked out his car window and saw three vampires about to feast on what looks like a baby. He slammed on his brakes and raced over to the three vampires to save the baby. The red headed girl saw it coming so she swung back and sent Carlisle back smashing into a bridge. carlisle was about to pick up his phone to call for help when the blond headed man lunged for him.

***end of vision

Jasper raced over to Alice. "What is Alice? What did you see?" It took her a moment to answer back. "Carlisle was on his way home and he saw three vampires about to attack a baby so went to save it and they attacked. Then the vision went black." she said trying to seem calm. "well what are we waiting for let's go kick some vampire but. I could go for a good for a good fight right now." Emmet shouted enthused. " We better go now hero..." I got cut off just as the door opened. Carlisle walked through the door with the baby Alice saw in his arms. Esme raced over to Carlisle. " Honey are you alright?" "I am fine. I just had a little mishap." Carlisle said with ease as if nothing ever happened. "But I don't don't understand I thought you were dead. you were fighting those vampires and you got knocked into the bridge and then your future went black. what happened?" Alice whailed with confusion. "I don't understand why your vision went black at the end but after I got knocked into the bridge I guess one of my friends Michael was sticky by and helped me out. After about an hour they ran off and we got the baby. I thanked him and he left." Everyone sat there for a moment to take everything in while I was still wondering why Alice's vision went black at the end. "well I'm just glad your safe." Esme said with joy and relieve. " So what are we going to do with the baby." I asked.

As much as I wanted to keep the baby I didn't want to put it in danger. If we kept it then we would have to reveal are secret and that will put us at risk of the voultori finding out, and they would surely kill it. Or they would change it, and no need for another person going to hell. "I'm not exactly sure. What do you guys think?" Carlisle asked. I was surprised because normally Alice would be jumping up and down to keep the baby and be wondering what she should dress it in. I read her thoughts and all she was thinking about was why her vision went black,and I was wondering the same.

Would if Alice has something wrong with her vision? Would if it couldn't be fixed? If that was true then when something bad happened,like with the voultori and weren't prepared then we would all surely die.

edward's pov

I must have zones out for a second because when I came back into reality Carlisle was trying to get my attention.

"Edward,Edward,Edward." "Ha. What?" I asked. " Do you think we should keep the baby?" "Um...I don't know it might put us at risk of the Voultori finding out. Ask Alice." I said, a little uncertain. " I already tried. she won't snap out of it. I think she's still a little freaked out about her vision. I'll have to check it out later. Emmet what about you? Carlisle asked. "Heck ya! I could use a little sister to have a prank war with and pick on!" Emmet yelled out in excitement. "Rosalie how about you?" Carlisle asked. "Ya sure. Why not. I have always wanted a child and it give us something to do besides sitting around the house all day." " Ok then I guess its settled we're keeping her." Carlisle said with a little bit of excitement in his voice. "Hold on. I have a great idea! Esme perked up with joy. "Everyone meet me in the living room in five minutes with a cute baby name for her. And then we will vote on which one is the best." A cute baby name. Sophia? Or maybe Isabella perhaps. I shrugged off the thought to see if Alice was alright.

"Alice!Alice!! Alice!!!" My voice raised each time I said her name. she jumped back a little startled. "Alice are you ok? "uhh... ya I was just..." I interrupted her to finish the sentence. "Thinking about your vision." "Ya. It's just that the first time its ever done anything like that before. It kinda freaked me out. Would if something happens like this again? The situation Carlisle was in could have been much worse. And if I couldn't see what was going to happen then Carlisle could of died because of me." Alice whailed worriedly, dry sobbing. I could see that this was really bothering her. I decided to comfort her to try to make her feel better. "Alice its not your fault. don't say that. Carlisle said he would try to figure something out about it tonight. Now come on or we'll going to get in trouble Esme." " What" she.asked confused. " Esme is having a baby name contest for the baby." she nodded and we walked into the living room. Everyone else was already there so went ahead and got started. "oooo! ooooo! Let me go first! Emmet shouted like antics.year old. "Ok Emmet you can go first." she said trying not to smile like the the rest of us. "Ok I came up with Izy" he said proud of himself. "Nice but she doesn't really look like an Izy. um Rosalie what do you think?" " Um well I came up Emma." "Very nice. Jasper your next." Emmet crossed his arms and pouted like a two year old. Before Jasper went I had to get out a small comment. " Ha Emmet you got out named by your own wife!" I laughed with everyone else right along with me. He just pouted even more witch made us all laugh even more.b"Well um I came up with the name Zoey." he said confident. "Also very nice. Alice how about you?" "Um well I didn't come up with one. sorry." Alice was truly sorry. "wow I'm surprised Alice. you're jealous the one that comes up with the best ideas." You could tell that Esme was really surprised. "So Edward do you have any names?" "Um ya. How about Isabella. Bella for short." I said with pleasure in my voice. "Oh Edward that is the best name ever! That's what we'll name her. Isabella, Bella for short." Esme was very pleased at my name idea. So that's what we named her, baby Bella.

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