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Bella's pov

There was a sharp pain in my head, pounding against my skull. I felt weak and useless not even able to move a limb. I tried hard to move my body but I couldn't. It was as if I was frozen, stiff. My eyes felt as if they were glued shut unable to open. But I kept trying and finally this new found strength allowed me too open my eyes.

I was laying on back starring up at a rounded ceiling.  I looked to the side the best I could. The walls were rounded as well and the floor was checkered.  Up front was a small platform containing three thrones. Where the hell was I !

Footsteps. Yes foot steps are what I heard flowing into the room. The loud thumps could be heard from afar as they replaced the peaceful silence with frightening sound of their own. They were intimidating me. Making their way slowly across the old, cement flooring, raising the tension in me. As if to give me a warning that they were coming and were not far from arriving.  I darted my eyes closed pretending to sleep and to see what I would hear as they footsteps finally came to a stop.

"Young Bella." I heard a male voice announce. That voice. I knew that voice from anywhere.  The way he said my name; and rolled out the "L" in it. They way his voice was was smooth, yet threating. Filled with of will lust of what will come.Aro.

My breathing increased as I acknowledge who he was. The fear kicking in as the goosebumps had a race up and down my body. I hadn't seen him since I was ten. I thought that I was safe until I was 20. At least that's what he promised. He wouldn't break that promise would he?

Of course he would.

"Bella dear open your eyes we're not that easy to fool." Aro cooed.  He tried to keep his voice smooth as if to not frighten me but it came out a lot more harsh than intended.

I shot my eyes open in fear of what might happen if I didn't obey his orders. But he wouldn't hurt me would he? Edward would kill him if he did. But he wasn't here right now.

Ok you can do this Bella. Just be confident in what you say. Choose your words carefully.

"What do you want Aro?," I asked trying to stay calm, "and why can't I move?" he let out a dark chuckle. One that could frighten the scariest creature of them all. Make it cower back in fear.

"Now that wasn't a nice welcome." he mimicked my tone of voice with a large scowl written across his face. "What do you want Aro?" I repeated. Yes I can do this!

"Is that any way to talk to someone of such royalty?" A guy with blond hair spirit me.

I narrowed my eyes at him studying his features before I spoke. "Well is that any way to talk to a lady?" I copied his tone, sending him a smirk.

"How dare you!" he shouted in frustration before lifting his hand to smack me. I squeezed my eyes closed. Waiting for the fiery hot pain. But it never came.

I slowly opened one eye at a time to see that Aro had caught his hand from coming in contact with my face.

Aro lowered his hand back down before looking back at me. "Now Bella lets get down to business." he spoke in a calm manner.

"We've heard that you have obtained a new power. Yes?" I didn't speak. Refusing to give him any answers.  Why should I give him any answers. If it was up to me I would tell his sorry a... Whoa Bell calm down. I wonder where this new found confidence came from. Well were ever it came from im sure as hell liking it!

"Well I tried to collaborate here but it seems that you have refuse my offering. " he pointed to the guy with the blond hair again as if telling him its his cue to do something.

His hand was raised once more this time Aro not catching it in his grasp and just as I thought it was going to come in contact with my face he went flying across the room crashing into a wall and falling to the floor in pain.

My eyes widened in shock of what just happened.  My Power! That's what did it! It must prevent a vampire from touching me. Hell ya Bella, your the man...I mean girl. But whatever. Ya!

I tried to move again but this time successful.  The power thingy must of broke whatever it was holding me down.

I took this chance to run. Blowing every vampire away that came within ten feet of me.

Once I was out the doors I sighed in relief. It was still day light so they couldn't come out yet. I had till sun down to run, to get away. But the real question was...

How the hell am I supposed to get home?!

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