Oh Baby!

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Bella's pov

I woke up again to Edward kissing me slightly on the cheek. I had to talk to Edward today to set things straight. "Good morning love." he said as he stroked my cheek. "Edward I need to talk to you." I said looking into his deep golden eyes. "I was about to ask the same thing. Look Bella I know what's been going on." he said the continued. "I can see that you haven't been yourself lately, and I finally realized why. You miss spending time with me. And your finally going to get that. Everyone else is out hunting." he smiled, which made me tear up.

"Come here." he said pulling me into his chest. "I missed you." I cried. "It's ok. I'm here for you now."


"We're back!" Dan shouted from downstairs. A second later he was up in my room. "So do you guys wanna..." his smile faded when he saw my face. "Hey what's wrong with Bella?" he asked looking worried.

"Dan can I talk to you?" I asked wiping the tears from my face and getting up out of bed. "Sure Bella, anything you want." I walked over jumped up in his arms and had him carry me downstairs and out the door.

As soon as we were out the door and half way into the forest I broke the awkward silence. "Um Dan, I wanted to talk about you and Edward." I said nervous. "What, did I do something wrong?!" he looked down at me worried. "No, no, not that." I reasured him.

"I already talked to Edward, and I wanted to talk to you next. Um... ever since you moved in with us you've been spending a lot of time with Edward, and I haven't been able to spend any alone time with like I used to. And..." Dan interrupted me, with a writer look on his face.

"I smell someone's sent." he says sniffing the air. "Ya its probably mine." I said annoyed that he interrupted me just to say that. "No its not your sent, yours is to strong, this one really faint. I think its a baby." he said as we kept walking.

"Your right, I can hear little thoughts, and there getting louder. I see it look!" I shout running towards the little thing. "Awwe! It's a girl! She's so cute!" I cuddle her in my arms. "Hey she kind of looks like you and Edward." Dan admitts. " "Your right she does. What do you think we should name her?"

"She looks like a charlotte." Dan said squinting at the baby. "No she looks more like w Reene. But she also looks like an Esme." I said tilting my head looking at the baby, making her laugh. "Your right, why don't you combine the two names?" he suggests.

"Um... Esmee,no. Resme,no. Ooo! I got it. How about Renessma." I exclaim. "I like it. Come on let's head home." he smiles. And when I'm just about to jump up onto his back with the baby a mountain lion attacks us, and the baby goes rolling in the dust.

The mountain lion had left a big gash on my face, and I scream out in pain. "Dan don't let it get the baby!" I manage to get out. Dan just looks at me and nods. He tackled the mountain lion on the ground and sucks the life out of it. Once he's done with that he grabs the baby and rushes over to me.

"Bella are you alright?" he asked worried. "My face hurts." my voice cracks in pain. Dan picks me up bridal style with the baby on top of me, and runs full speed to the house.

As soon as we reach the house Edward is outside waiting, taking me out of Dan's arms and bringing me up to Carlisle. I think Dan gave the baby to Alice. I wasn't sure, because my face hurts and has swollen up so bad that I can bearly see anything out of my right eye.

The mountain lion must of done some serious damage to my brain because that hurts too, and Edward and Carlisle are telling me to stay with them. "Bella come on, stay with us, don't die on us now!" I voice says. "Bella everything is going to be alright." Another voice says. "We're almost to the hospital." Another voice booms.

Wait we were in a car? I'm in so much pain that I didn't even realize. A few moments later my face has completely swollen up, and all I could think was, death is peaceful before I go into coma and let the darkness surround me.


I wake up in a hospital room, my head pounding in pain. Edward is sitting on one side of me, and Dan on the other. "Hey Bella, how you feeling?" Edward asked. "Where's the baby?" is all that comes out. "She's at home with Alice and Rosalie." Dan answers.

"My head hurts really bad Edward. Go get the doctor." I say as he nods and walks out of the room. After he's out of the room Dan speaks up. "Bella look, I'm sorry your in here, this is all my fault. The baby sent was masking the sent of the mountain lion,and if I would have been paying attention and..." I cut him off. "Dan none of this is your fault. You were memorized by the baby just like I was. Your just like Edward you always try to blame everything on yourselves." I say, my voice cracking at the end.

As Dan opened his mouth to say something Edward and the doctor walked back in. "Hello Bella, nice to see that your finally awake." he gave me a heart warming smile. He was a tall, slim man, that look like he was in his early 60's.

"Looks like the swollen has gone down." he continued. "You've been in coma for about a month, I was starting to doubt that you would ever wake up." he had a sincere look on his face.

"When will she beable to come home?" Edward asked worried. "Shell beable to come right after check her up a little more." he smiled then walked over to me. "Your face is still swollen a little, but I think you'll be fine. I heard your father is also a doctor. You can have your stiches taken out in a few weeks, and have him take them out, or you can come back to me and have them take out. Oh and here take these pills once a day till the pain goes away." he explained handing me a bottle of pills.

"Ok your free to go, hope you feel better." he said with a smile as he walked out of the room. Edward and Dan helped me and get back into my clothes. We drove home in an awkward silence, leaving me deep in my thoughts.

What would we do with the baby? Will it have to be turned into a vampire too? Will we have to give it away? All these questions are surging through my head at once that its Judy adding to the pain. The last thing that wen through my head before we arrived in the driveway was...

Oh baby!

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