New Findings

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Bella is now ten years old.

Bella's pov

I was sitting on the couch snuggled into Edward's chest on this beautiful full moon night. I was about to say something when I saw Alice's face go blank. That meant that she was having a vision.

As soon as she came back to the present I looked up at Edward and asked what she saw, because by the looks on their faces it wasn't going to be good news.

"Edward what did Alice see?" I asked curious and worried. "Um..." he paused as if trying to look for the right words. "Her vision came late again. It was just what happened to you with Victoria." he said a little unsure.

I had a feeling that he was lying. "Hey Bella its starting to get late, why don't you head up to bed I'll be there in a moment." Edward said. "But Edward I'm not even tired." I pleaded."Bella..." he warned. "Yes Edward." I moaned as I got up and headed for my room. "Thankyou." he chuckled. "Ya, ya whatever." I hissed.

I decided to go up half the stairs then wait to see what they were going to talk about. "Ok I think she's gone. Alice had a vision of Victoria going to the voultori and telling them about Bella. The voultori are coming here to have a little talk with us." he explained.

Wait hold on, I thought Victoria was dead. And who in the world is the voultori? Edward has got a lot of explaining to do when he gets to my room.

"But her vision blacked out again at the end and we have no clue when they're going to be here." he continued.

Ok so now we're all going to die!

"We'll just have to keep an eye out for her, and be on the watch for anything suspicious." Esme said with Carlisle boring in agreement. "Well I have to get up to Bella or else she's going to start becoming suspicious." Edward said.

And that was my cue to haul my butt the rest of the way upstairs and into my room.Edward reached my room just as I got into bed. Luckly he didn't suspect anything.

"Sorry I kept you waiting Bella." he apologized. "Edward what's the voultori?" I asked a little afraid that he might be upset. "How did you hear about that?" he asked, frustration in his voice. "I hid on the stairs to hear what you guys were saying. You told me that there would be no more secrets in this house. Just because I'm not a Vampire that doesn't mean that you can't tell me things. Plus too I thought that you said that Victoria was dead!" I yelled out in frustration.

"I only didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. But we did kill Luraunt!" he yelled back. "Well you know what! When I don't tell you things then you find out about it then you get frustrated and worried. And the reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't want you to worry." I shouted. Then got up out of bed and stormed off downstairs.

When I got to the bottom step Edward grabbed my arm. "Bella wait!" he said. "Let go of me Edward!" I shouted as he let go. I was at the door and ready to open it when Edward spoke up again. "Bella I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry." he pleaded. "And I don't tell you things because I don't want you to worry and I care about you. But obviously you don't care about me. And you know what I actually wouldn't mind if I walked into those woods and Victoria killed me right then and there. At least I would beable to go to heaven with my real parents who Victoria killed. And if she ends up turning me instead, at least I will have faster legs that will take me far, far away from you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, then said one more thing before I stormed out the door. "You know what I hope that I run into the voultori so that they can kill me so I don't ever havebsee your face again." I cried storming out the door leaving Edward in pool of dry tears.

Edward's pov

When I heared those words come out of Bella's mouth I was heart broken. "I just need to be alone." I said and rushed up into my room, leaving a trail of dry, non exsistent tears behind me.

Alice's pov

"I'm going to go talk to Bella, and maybe talk some sense back into her." I said with everyone nodding. And with that I left to find Bella. It didn't take that long to find her, because she had only been gone for about five minutes. When I saw her I rushed and hugged her with joy.

"What do you want Alice?" she asked upset, with tears streaming down her face. "Look Bella Edward loves you. Probably more than he does all of us combined. If Edward didn't love you than why would he have saved you from Victoria?" she sat there for a moment thinking about it. "I know its just sometimes he makes me so mad. He never tells me anything, and when he does that it makes me feel like he thinks that he's so much better than I am just because he's a stupid vampire." she explained.

"You know that he doesn't mean that. The way his mind works is where he thinks by not telling you bad news its keeping you safe." I told her. She looked up at me with puppy dog eyes then I pulled her in for a hug. We sat there for a moment letting her get everything out of her system.

"Come on let's get going." I said lifting her onto my back and taking off for the house. "Alice can you take me up my balcony instead please?" she asked. I just nodded my head and did as she wished.

Once we got to the house I dropped her off in Edward's room and headed back downstairs.

Bella's pov

I walked over to the couch in Edward's room where he was sitting and gave him a hug. He looked up and gave a half smile. For the rest of the night we sat there apologizing to each other and then at the end I again fell asleep on his chest thinking about the coming days of worry and fear of the voultori coming to kill my family. But all I have to say is that I am ready to fight. Come on voultori, I'm waiting

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