preparing for the Attack (or so they thought)

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Edward's pov

"What? What is it now?" Carlisle asked. "I I can't take this any more! Edward you know what happened, you tell him! I just,just uggh!" And with that she was out of the room with Jasper right with him. "um well the three vampires that attacked you a few days ago caurght Bella'as sent and they were about to say when they were attack right when Alice's vision went black." "Tell evetryone to meet me in the living room right away. Go now hurry!" Carlisle said in rush. I rushed out of the room as fast as I could. "Everyone hurry to the living took as fast as you can! We got major problems! I yelled heading to the living room myself. "What is it Edward is everything alright?" Esme said panic in her voice. " Carlisle will explain everything when he gets down here." I said trying to calm her down. Everyone had just reached the living room as Carlisle headed down the stairs. I look around once more,but this time I realized Alice wasn't down here. I got up and to Carlisle. "I'm going to go look for Alice to if she is alright. I don't smell her sent in the house." "I don't smell it either. You better hurry up though. With the three vampires out there I don't want her getting hurt. There is no way she can fight off the three of them by herself. Oh and Edward you be careful too. The blond haired one is a tracker and he will stop at nothing to get to Bella." Carlisle warned. All I did was nod and with that I was out the door. I tried to listen for her thoughts but couldn't find anything. I wasn't concentrating on any other but Alice's. Big mistake! Because out of no where blond headed vampire came out and attacked me. Along with a red headed girl, and a blacked hair boy. I read his mind, but all I could pick up was his name, James. " You have the girls sent on you where is she. Tell me!" he yelled in my face. "I have no clue what your talking about!" I lied. "Don't lie to us you pathetic vampire!" The red headed girl named Victoria yelled. I was about to respond back all of a sudden I.catch a familiar sent. Alice! She was up in the tree behind the three vampires in front of me. I was so relieved that Alice was alright that I didn't even notice that James was about to rip my head off. I looked at Alice knowing that this was probably going to be the last time that I ever saw her. Before I died I wanted to think about everything that I had gone through. My mother how she always got me up in the morning for school and made me the best saddles in the world. All the way up to the most painful moment in my life when I was dieing and Carlisle bit me on the neck and venom spreading through my body. Now it was time for me to go to hell. James had just about gotten my head ripped off when Alice jumped down onto James and pulled on his head until he let go of mine. Once he let go I ran up kicked him in the shin, grabbed Alice and took off. The last thing I Heard before they took off after us was., "Get them!"

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