Presents and runaways

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Bella's pov

"Hey guys before we start to open presents can I ask a few more questions?" I asked hoping that they would say yes. "Go ahead Bella it is your birthday after all." Edward awnsered. "Yea! Ok first question is Ummm... Oh ya! Do guys have any other powers besides super strength,speed, and hearing?" This time Carlisle awnsered. "Well we have super smell and we sparkle in the sun." "That is really cool! Ok next question. Ummm... Edward this question is for you. Was the stuff you were drinking blood?" "Yes sorry I couldn't tell you or else I would have stopped you from putting your finger in your mouth." he said with a small chuckle. "I don't get how you vampires drink that stuff its disgusting! Wait you guys don't hunt humans do you?" I asked a little scared. "Bella don't feel scared we are not going to hurt you." Jasper said trying to comfort me. "Wait how did you knew I was feeling scared?" I asked a little freaked out. "I have the power to calm people and I can feel what they feel. Alice can see the future, and Edward can read minds." "Wow this birthday can not possibly get any better! But wait you guys didn't awnser my question." "No Bella we don't hunt humans. We hunt animals. That's why our eyes are golden. If our eyes are red that means we hunt humans, and when our eyes are black that means that we are hungry and need to hunt." Edward said with a soft smile. "Well Edward you need to hunt then because your eyes are black and I don't want to make any of you to feel uncomfortable." "Bella you don't bother us any more." Edward said."Oh thank goodness. Ok now who wants me to open their present first?" "Open mine squirt!" Emmett shouted. "Ok I guess I will open Emmet's first." Emmet got up and brought me over my present. I tore it open as quick as I could.with Edwards help of course. When I got it open there was a play house in it. "Oh Emmet thankyou thankyou thankyou! This awesome!" I ran over and gave him a hug. "It was nothing squirt." Emmett said. I giggled. The play house was pink and white striped with two flower boxes and a windmill on the outside.

"Ok Bella I can't wait any longer open my present next!" Alice begged. "Ok ok Alice settle down." I walked over and opened the box Alice had I'm her hand. When I opened it up it had a shiney blue heart necklace in it. "Oh Alice this is so pretty, thankyou. I leaned over and gave her a big hug. "You know the move Titanic right?" "Ya." "Well that necklace is Rose's from the titanic. At the end of the movie she drops it in the water. Well I swam alpl the way down to the bottom of the Alantic ocean to get it. And surprisingly it was still in that good of condition. That necklace is priceless." Alice stated. "Alice this is..." I started to cry tears of joy. "Thankyou!" "Your welcome Bella." I wiped the tears from my face and asked who was going next. "I'll go next." Jasper spoke up. He walked over and handed me a pink rapped box. I opened it up and inside was a ray doll that looked exactly like me. "Hey its mini me!" I laughed with everyone right along with me. " Thankyou Jasper she's beautiful. I think I'll name her Sophia. No Emma. No... oh I don't know. I can't wait 'till I get older and have kids. I hope I get twins. I love babies that look alike. Hey why didn't you guys didn't have kids?" "Ummm... Bella vampires can't have children." Edward said "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't..." I got cut off. "It's ok Bella you didn't know." Alice said "I'm going to um go upstairs I can't..." And with that Alice ran up stairs(A/N: all the vampires run with vamp speed every time I say they run unless I say other wise.) with Rosalie and Esme right along with her. "Man I ruin everything! Why can't I be perfect like you guys! I started to run up stairs but by the time I reached them SewEd was already there. "Bella you didn't know. It's not your fault. They have just been longing for a child. And when Esme was human she had a child but it died three days after it was born." Edward said. "No its just that you guys are so perfect with your looks and powers and and.." I began to cry even harder and I felt Jasper push a wave of calmness over me. "Jasper please I don't want you to use your power to make me fill better I want to beable to feel better on my own." "Sorry Bella." Jasper apologized. "No its ok." "Bella we may have powers but that doesn't make us perfect."Edward tried to cheer me up. "I just need some time to myself, but I wish that I could of given you guys your presents first before they took off up stairs. Before I knew what you guys were I had no clue why you guys never celebrated your birthdays and I felt sorry for you guys. So I was going to give each of you a present today. I mean it might not be much but... I just need to be left alone. Sorry for being such a disappointment. I bet you guys regret the day you brought me home." I cried.

Then I ran upstairs to my room. I didn't look the door this time because I knew it would do no use to keep a vampire from coming in. There was a balcony in my room so I got all my sheets and tied them together. Once I was finished with that I got the end and tied it to a pole then through the other end down the side of the balcony. Once I made sure that the sheet was secure I climbed down the sheet.

When I got down to the ground I made sure that I had everything that I needed then I was on my way to the woods. I looked back at the house one more time before I left forever. "sorry I card you Edward." I mumbled to myself. Then I was off.

Edward's pov

I was sitting there thinking about Bella and what she had been through. I needed to go tal...Wait, I can't smell Bella's sent any more. I ran up to her room and I couldn't find her anywhere. I ran to her balcony and saw the sheets tied to the pole. "Noooo!"

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