The Kiss

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Bella's pov

School was over so I ran as fast I could to Edward's car. Everyone else was already there. "You guys ready to start the race?" I asked trying to catch my breath. "Yep, but it looks like you need to catch your breath first." Dan laughed. "Hey not everybody can be a perfect vampire and not have to catch their breath." I said playfully. "No its not really being perfect, its just that we don't even have to breath." he said sarcastically. I just smirked at him, and playfully hit him in the shoulder.

"Ok here's how the race is going to work. You two are going to run the same rout all the way to the Canadian border. Who ever gets there first wins." I explained. They both nodded and headed towards the woods where the race begins. "I'm gonna ride on Same back." I told Edward.

Once they were both in starting position I started the race. "3...2..1...Go!!!" I shouted, and with that they were off. At first they were side by side, but then Dan past by Edward by just a hair.

We were getting towards the end of the race and they were tied up again. "Ok guys only one more mile to go. Who's going to win!" I shouted. They both turned to look at each other then gave big evil grins, and picked up the pace. At the last second Dan crossed the finish line. For the first time in history Edward lost a race.

I hopped off Dan's back and ran over to Edward. "Edward I'm sorry you lost, but great race you two!" I said as I gave him a big hug. "It's ok. It's actually nice to have a challenge for once." he stated firmly. "Nice race man." Dan said. Edward nodded and congratulated him.

"Are you going to ride on my back on the way home?" Edward asked. Before I could awnser Dan said something. "Actually if don't mind I wanted Bella to stay behind with me. I wanted to talk to her." Dan asked,not minding if Edward said no. "Ya she can stay behind. See you at home Bella." he said then walked over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Bye Edward!!!" I said as he ran off into the woods.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked as we walked down the hill together. "Um...well I was going to ask if you weren't in a relashionship with anyone else I wanted to you go out with me?" he asked. I stood there for a moment in shock. Then I looked up at him and a huge grin spread across my face. I jumped up and wrapped my legs and arms around him, and gave him big hug.

"Yes, yes I will. I've been wanting to go out with you, but jealous the girl doesn't ask the boy out." I exclaimed. We both laughed then looked at each other and we both leaned in for a kiss. I was expecting it to be magical,but it wasn't. Not one bit. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I acted like I enjoyed it.

Finally we pulled away and we both smiled at each other, and I hopped up onto his back and headed home. I still loved him, its just that kiss wasn't magical.

We arrived home half an hour later, at 11:00 at night. As soon as we walked through the door I was greeted by Edward. He picked me up and spun me around. "Dan asked me out!" I shouted out in excitement. "Did you say yes?" he asked. "Yes!" I said.

"Well I better be heading home." Dan said. "No don't go. Ooo, can I spend the night at your house?!" I asked excitedly. He nodded in agreement, then looked over at Edward for his approval. As soon as Edward said yes we took off towards Dan's house.

When we got there we headed up to Dan's room. "Wow you actually have a bed." I said in shock. He gave out a small chuckle then we got into bed. I laid my head on his chest, expecting to fall asleep as soon as my head hit it. But his chest was just cold and hard. It wasn't comfortable at all. So I just laid there trying to fall asleep. We I laid there I thought about how everyone has a mate. Then I compared Edward to Dan. Edward's kiss was magical and sweet and comforting. Dan's was just nothing. Edward's chest was comforting. Dan's was just cold and rock hard.

I thought about it for a little bit longerrhen at that moment I realized that Edward was my mate. At that moment I was both sad and happy. I was happy that Edward was my mate, but I was also sad because I loved Dan too. I'll have to break the news to him tomorrow morning. For the rest of the night I tried to fall asleep and fight back the tears waiting for morning to come.


When I woke up this morning Dan wasn't there. As I was getting up out of bed I remembered everything that I was thinking about last night, and the tears started to come back streaming down my face. I walked downstairs and on the last step I tripped, but Luckly Dan caught me by the face. He stood me back up straight and looked at me with a big smile on his face, but once he saw the tears the smile on his face quickly faded away.

"What's wrong!? Are you hurt?" he asked worried pulling me in for a hug. I pulled away looking up at him then back down leaning my head on his chest. "I was thinking last night,and was comparing you and Edward, and I realized that Edward was my mate." I cried. He slipped a finger underneath my chin and lifted it up so my eyes were looking straight into his.


"Then why are you crying? That's great news!" he said confused. "Because I love you too." I cried even harder into his chest. He pulled me into a hug, cuddling me into his, and resting his chin on my head. "Well I guess I should take you back home, but before you go do you want some breakfest, I made you some pancakes." he asked. "Where did you get pancakes? Vampires don't eat human food." I asked looking up at him as I wiped the tears from my face.

"I got up out of bed early this morning trying not to wake you, and went to the store, because I thought that you would like some breakfest." he explained. "Awwwe that's so sweet, thankyou Dan." I said as I gave him another hug. "But no thankyou I'm not really hungry, or in the mood right now to eat. But I could always take them with me." I said "Well good thing I bought foil." he chuckled.

After he wrapped up my pancakes we headed back to my house. Once we walked through the front door Edward was standing there with his arms out, waiting for me to run into them. Just the sight of Edward brought the tears back streaming down my face. I ran into Edward's arms and cried my little heart out. "Alice had a vision and told me all about it. I'm so sorry." Edward said trying his best to comfort me.

"Well I better get going." Dan said as he opened the door to leave. "Wait!" I shouted as I ran out of Edward's arms, and into Dan's. We embraced each other in hug of emotions. Then we kissed each other with Passion.

Finally we pulled away and I looked up at him. "Look, Bella, this doesn't mean that we can't still be friends right?" he asked hoping that I would say right. "Right." I said giving him one last hug. He leaned down to kiss me on the forehead. After that he walked out the door, And as soon as that door clicked shut I thought to myself, did I just make the biggest mistake of my life.

That last kiss truely ment something and made sparks fly.

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