Things aren't what they seem

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Bella's pov

As we walked in the house I took everything into view. Still the same as it was three months ago. The sun shined in through the glass, the warmth pressing itself to my face. Edward's arm was around my shoulder while Dan was standing on the opposite side of me holding my hand.

As the front door closed behind us Alice came running and attacked me in hugs. "Welcome home Bella!" She shouted. "Um... Alice my face still hurts and..." I said, her interrupting me at the end. "Oh sorry Bella!" she apologized. "Come on Bella we got a surprise for you in the living room." she squealed leading me towards the living room.

"Woof I rest don't..." "Surprise!" "Welcome Home Bella!" everyone shouted, and a huge grin made its way across my face. "Awwwe, you guys are so sweet." I thanked them. But my from slowly faded away. "Guys look this was very sweet but my face is still in a lot of of pain and..." "You said that you were ok!" Edward shouted, interrupting me.

"I said that because I had already been in a hospital for a week and I just wanted to come home, snuggled up to you on my bed and relax." I explained. "But please can we discuss this later?" I asked as I walked over and gave him a hug. He nodded his head then leaned down and kiss the top of my forehead.

I was about to say something else when Alice pulledme away from Edward. "Come on Bella you have to meet everyone." she squeaked. "But Alice I'm tired." I whined. "Please enjoy your welcome home party then you can sleep for the rest of the day."Ok." I said. "Ya!" "But on one condition." I continued, and smile slowly faded away. "I get to pick what I want to wear tomorrow." I stated firmly. "But..." "But nothing." "Fine." she moaned then introduced me to the first vampire.

"Bella this is Kate. She's from the Denail coven." Alice introduced. "Hi nice to meet you Bella." she said holding out her hand. I gladly shook. The girl had beautiful golden curly locks of hair that goes perfect with golden eyes. She also had soft prime rise lips.

Alice introduced me to a girl with straight golden locks of hair, and another girl with beautiful brown curly hair. Finally we came to a tall slender man with dark brown hair. "Bella this is Elzar." she said with a big smile in her face. I shook his hand kindly. "He used to work for the Voultori." she the announced. My smile quickly disappeared and backed up into Edward's chest hugging him tightly.

"Don't worry Bella I won't hurt you. I quite the Voultori because did not agree with their way of life." he explained. "Oh." was my dumb awnser. "Carlisle used to work for the Voultori as well."Elzar added. "How come you guys never told me?" I asked a little hurt.

"Because it was before we met up with the Voultori and I didn't want you saying anything to them just in case if you got out of the house. And now I'm pretty glad that I didn't tell you after the way that you smarted off to Aro like that." Carlisle responded.

"Wait, she smarted off to Aro?" Elzar asked as we all took a seat. "Well the voultori had come here and they locked me up in the house so I wouldn't get out while they went to talk to the voultori. I was ten at the time and it was about 20 mins after they left when Victoria got in the house and dropped a note on my lap..." "Wait show Victoria?" Kate asked. "Some vampire I ran into when I was five. To sum it up when I was five Victoria took me broke my leg, two of my ribs, fracured my ankle, I survived getting eaten by ten new borns, she bit me on the wrist, and Edward sucked all the venom out." I said running out of breath at the end.

Everyone gave me a sad look then I continued my story. "Now where was I... Oh ya! Victoria had just left the note on my lap saying that I better get to Edward before she does and blah blah blah. So I tried to find a way out since all the doors and Windows were locked from the outside.

Finally I just threw something hard at my window and climbed through the broken whole in the glass door. I went to climes down the rope of sheets when I had escaped before, nut I slipped and fell off the ten foot balcony and broke my leg. Then I walked ten miles. Well more like limped ten miles then got attackee by a mountain lion. Then it got destracted by a deer. So I started to climb up the tree with blood gushing out all over my body.

As I was climbing the tree it ran back over, jumped and sliced my broken leg with its claws. I screamed out in pain but continued on. I went ten more miles climbing fro tree to tree. Then finally when I reached Edward and the Voultori I fell out of a tree. Not counting that it was below zero outside and I more and likely had frost bite on my feet.

I warned Edward of victoria. Aro called me a weak and fragile human, so I told him that how does a weak and fragile human survive falling off a ten foot balcony then walk ten miles then gets attacked by a mountain lion the goes aanother ten miles and falls out of a tree in below zero weather. Then Victoria attacked died and the voultori left." I explained as I tucked myself into Edward's chest while Dan was rubbing my back.

"So the whole point of smarting off to Aro was because he called you weak and fragile?" Kate asked confused. "I was just about to die after all that but still survived. If he wants to go call some one weak and fragile he go say that to his next meal." I stated. Everyone let out a small giggle.

"Ok enough of the sad stories. slow its time for you to eat you welcome home cake... Well cupcake." she squealed excitedly. "Alice I'm really not hungry right now and..." As I was finishing my sentence she shoved a huge piece of it into my mouth. I chewed and swallowed it quickly while everyone else was laughing their heads off.

"Alice!" I shout "I told you I wasn't hungry." I glare at her with a grin forcing its way on my face. "Well now maybe you know how Edward felt when you were being stubborn and shoved food into his mouth." Alice grinned. "I am not stubborn!" I shout. "You guys can't force me to do anything." I said crossing my arms. "They might not, but I can!" Emmett gave me an evil grin than raced over and threw me in the air.

"Emmett put me down!" I whine while every else laughs. "Alice hand me the cupcake will you?" he asked still giving me an evil grin. "Gladly." she had the same look on her face as she handed the rest of the cupcake to Emmett. " Emmett no! No! Please don't..." I scream right berries he shoved it into my mouth.

But instead of chewing and swallowing, I chewed and spit it out all over his face. (And I think I got some in his mouth too!) Be dropped me as he wipped the cake off his face. Luckly Edward was there to catch me. "Bella your gonna pay." Emmett growled playfully. "Them come and get me." I encouraged. "Not right now, ill get you when you least expect it." he laughed.

"Awwwe are you chicken. Is the big bad vampire scared. Come sit in my lap and comfort the little baby." I smirked while everyone else tried to hold in their laughs. "Bella you better watch it when you wake up tomorrow morning." he growled.

I laughed then suddenly I remembered something. The baby. "Alice where's Renesme?" I asked worried. "Who?" she asked confused. "The baby." I said. "Oh the baby." she smiled and within two seconds she had gotten the baby and she was now I'm my arms.

We all looked at her for a while admiring her cuteness. I fed her some Apple sauce then cradled her in my arms.

"Well I think I'm going to head to bed. It was nice meeting everyone..." As I was was saying good night two Sharp fangs pirced into my skin. I looked down and saw that it was the baby. I screamed out in pain. She wasn't putting venom in me, she was sucking my blood. Edward pulled her off of me and everything went black. My last thought was...

What is this thing?

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