Bella's Recovery and more

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Bella's pov

Edward had just goten home and had Carlisle fix me up. I was now laying in bed with Edward curled up next to me. "Edward thankyou for saving my life again. I'm here because of you." "No your I'm this conditionbbecause of me." "It's my fault Edward. If I would have behaved myself then I wouldn't have been I'm this mess. I'm so sorry that I didn't listen to you, I promise that it sol never happen again." I apologized. Then we both turned to look at each other and gave out a small chuckle.

I wish so bad that I was seventeen, so that I could kiss Edward. I've already made up my mind that I want to marry Edward. I don't know what I would do without him in my life.

Alice's pov

I was bringing Bella up her lunch when I had a vision. Bella wanted to marry Edward. O.M.G.! Bella wanted to marry Edward. I tried to keep it out of my head so Edward wouldn't find out, but it was no use. My visions were tad bit better, but really. Anyways I was so going to talk to Bella about this sometime.

Bella's pov

I just got deep in my thoughts until Alice came into the room and gave me my lunch then left. Edward then helped me to sit up so that I can eat. I sat there for a moment not wanting to eat till Edward said something. "Bella you need to eat something. You haven't eaten in three days." "Edward now that I haven't eaten in three days my stomach is now so small that I can bearly take one bite of food without getting full or throwing up. Plus to right now food both smells and looks repulsive." "But Bella its your favorite, spaghetti." "No thankyou Edward." he let out a small chuckle then grabbed a big bite of spaghetti and shoved it inky mouth.

I had no choice but to swallow it, so I did. I smiled at him.then said, "Yumm!" Then I grabbed a big bite of spaghetti and shoved it into Edward's mouth. He jumped up and spit it out into the bowl and wiped all the spaghetti sauce out of his mouth while I laid in bed laughing my head off. He looked up at me with an annoyed look on his face, which only made me laugh even harder. " hurts from much...!" I laughed just about throwing up my guts. Edward came up to me and patted my on the back to help me settle down. "Thankyou Edward all that laughing started to hurt my ribs." I choked out the words. "It's ok." he laughed. "Hey Edward can you carry me downsta..." before I could finish my sentence we were already downstairs on the couch.

"Edward how many more times do I have to tell you to walk down the stairs at a normal pace?!" I shouted a little annoyed. He didn't respond, he just laughed with everyone right along with him. I just snuggled in closer to his ice cold chest in embarrassment, falling fast asleep.


Bella's pov

It's been three months since victoria had kidnapped me, and it was December and we were all doing fine. I was playing out in the snow in front of the house when out of the woods came a kitten. "Awwwe a kitty! How cute!" I squealed. I ran over and picked it up. The poor thing was shivering. I ran inside to Edward on the couch to show him. "Edward, Edward, Edward, look what I found coming out of the woods!" I squealed again pulling the kitten out of my coat. "Where in the world did you find that cat?" he asked. "Like I said he came walking out of the woods then fell over in the snow shivering.Edward we can't leave her out there she'll die in the cold." I begged.

"Bella... I don't know about this." "Please Edward I'll take full responsibility of her. All we have to buy is cat food and give her milk to drink." "I guess." "Yay!" I shouted.

I picked her up and brought her over to the fire place. "I think I'm going to call you Mrs.Ruffles." I said proud of the name I named her.

"Why Mrs.Ruffles?" Emmett asked. "I don't know its just the first thing that popped into my head. Plus she's so small and tiny and cute and fragile." I said as I picked her up and admired her cuteness. "So you think of the cat the same way that we think of you." Emmett chuckled. "Emmett you made me blush. And I am not fragile, its just that your super strong natural beings." I commented. "Exactly, that makes you fragile to us." he stated.

"Coming Esme." I shouted. "Umm Esme sitting on the couch right here." Edward added. "I meant I'm going to get the cat some milk in the kitchen." I huffed then stomped off into the kitchen to het the cat some milk. As I entered the kitchen I could here them all starting to laugh.

"You know I may not have super hearing, but I can still hear you you know!" I shouted which only made them laugh even harder.


Later that night I was up in my room trying to find Edward's present I got him. I never brought it down because I wanted to give it to him in private.

Finally I found it in the back of my closet. I called Edward up into my room, and like usual he was up here in the next second. "Yes?" he asked curious. "I never hot to give you my present." I said cheerfully. he walked over to sit by me on my bed then I handed him his present. When he opened it he had a big grin on his face. "Bella this is beautiful. I love the design on the picture frame. I especially lobe what the picture says." h leaned over and gave me hug and a kiss on the forehead.

I had gotten a poster board and wrote: "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." With a picture of Edward and me at the bottom.

Edward and I talked for the rest of the night until I fell asleep on his rock hard, ice cold, lovable chest.

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