Bella's 17th Birthday

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Edward's pov

It had been a month since Bella's break-up with Dan, and its the night before her birthday. After Bella fell asleep I snuck out of bed and downstairs to plan how to surprise her when she wakes up.

Dan had been hanging out over at our house for the past month to be with Bella. I thought that was very nice of him. Anyways everyone was up in their rooms except Dan and I. We were going to plan Bella's wake up surprise.

"So Dan got any ideas?" I asked as I took a seat across from him on the couch. "Well I was thinking that we could sneak up into her room right before she wakes up, and stick our faces right in hers, and when she opens her eyes we shout happy 17th birthday Bella!" he explains with an evil look on his face. I just nodded, leaned back, and waited for morning to come.


Bella's pov

It was morning and I was ready, and prepared for what Alice had planned for me, so I opened my eyes. "Happy 17th birthday Bella!" Edward and Dan shouted right in my face.

They scared me so bad that I screamed and slammed myself back into my head board, probably leaving a big welt on my head. "Are you ok?" they asked laughing. "Ya, ya, I probably just have a welt on the back of my head." I said rubbing the back of my head, which only made them laugh even harder.

Dan looked like he was about to say something when Alice walked into the room. "Bella hurry up and get out of bed I have your birthday dress ready downstairs." she said then walked out of the room. "Uhggg!" I moaned as I let my head fall back to my pillow. "What's wrong?" Dan asked helping me up out of bed.

"I hate dressing up. I would rather be dressed up in sneakers, jeans, and an old t-shirt." I said as I stood up. "Well have fun!" Edward laughed. I turned around and glared at him as he continued to laugh. As I walked out of the I mumbled, "Stupid vampires." Pretty sure that they could hear me.

As I made my way down the stairs I thought how happy Dan made Edward. I have never seen him this happy before. Though it kinda of made me depressed. I do like Dan, and enjoy his company, but ever since he moved in with us I haven't had any time to spend with Edward. I wanted to tell him, but I knew as soon as he saw I was unhappy he would stop spending time with Dan completely, and then that would make Dan unhappy. So I just kept to myself.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize I had already walked all the way down the stairs, and was sitting on the couch. "So Bella, you ready for me to reveal the dress?" Alice asked excited. "Ready as I'll ever be." I responded forcing a smile on my face.

She pulled the dress out from behind her back, and I could of sworn my eyes popped out of my head. The dress had everything that I loved. The bottom of it was all ruffled, and it looked like a pair if jeans. Then the middle had a belt that was beautiful, and the top was a blue and white stripped, short sleeve sweater. It was a combination of everything that I loved to wear. It may sound like an ugly dress, but its not. Alice would never have picked an ugly dress.

"Alice this is amazing! Where did you get this, I've never seen anything like this before!" I squealed as tears of joy came streaming down my face. "Well I wanted you to wear a nice dress, but I knew you don't like fancy stuff, so I designed a fancy, laid back dress that included everything that you loved to wear!" she squealed back.

We just stood there starring at each other in joy then we came in for a hug. "Thankyou Alice, I couldn't imagine that this day could get any better!" I cried. She pulled away from the hug and looked me straight in the with a huge grin spreading across her face. "Actually yes it can. We all pitched in to get you one outstanding present. You'll get it later today. Now go slap that dress on so I can do your hair." she explained.

I gave her one last hug then left to put the dress on. The dress fit me perfectly. It truely was a beautiful dress. After I got done admiring myself in the dress I went back into the living room for Alice to do my hair. She put it up in a beautiful bun, and left a few strands of hair hanging on either said of my face in the front. She also did my make-up and it looked just as good as my dress and hair.

After Alice was finished I made my way up the stairs. Edward and Dan were up in Edward's room. Time to go show off my dress. As I walked in I leaned up against the door frame and said slowly, "So boys, like what you see?" I tried not to laugh at their reactions. Their jaws dropped down so far it looked like they were about to fall off.

"Bella you look amazing." Edward said as he rapped his arms around my waist. "Why thankyou." I giggled. Dan just continued to sit there making googley eyes at me. "Come Alice has the party ready downstairs." Edward said. Each boy took one of my arms and we made our way down the stairs.

When we got to the bottom everyone starred at me with big smiles on their faces. "You know its rude to stare." I giggled making everybody laugh. "Are you ready to see your present?" Alice asked. "Yep." I responded. "Close your eyes." Edward said.

We all walked outside. "Ok you can open your eyes now." Dan smiled. I shot my eyes open as fast as a bullet. There was a midnight blue BMW. "Oh my gosh, this is exactly what I wanted!" I cheered as I ran to my new car.

"You guys all pitched in on this?" I asked. They all nodded. "So do you like it?" Emmett asked. "No." I said and all their smiles dropped. "I love it!" I shouted and all smiles came back within seconds.

After I got done looking at my car we all went back inside to share stories from when I was little. "So who wants to share their favorite moment from when Bella was little?" Edward asked. "I'll go." Emmett grinned.

"My favorite moment was when Bella tasted Edward's cup of blood." Emmett laughed. "Dan you should of seen the look on her face!" Everyone started to laugh. "Uhgg don't even bring that up. Just the memory has brought the taste back into mouth. I'm going to get a drink." I moaned. Everyone continued to laugh.

As I walked into the kitchen I could still hear their conversation. "Ever since then Bella won't even go near a drink that is red." Jasper giggled. As Dan laughed he said, "Ok that's pretty funny, but I do kind of feel bad for her." That made a grin spread across my face.

I walked back out and snuggled back on the couch between Edward and Dan. "I still can't get that horried taste out of my mouth. Thanks a lot Emmett." I glared at him. "Awwe it was nothing, its what I do." Everyone laughed.

For the rest of the night we talked about how I reacted when I found out my family were vampires and other very embarrassing moments in my childhood. But even though I couldn't get the blood taste out of my mouth tonight was truely...



Sorry about the short chapter. I ran out of ideas. But don't worry coming up in the next chapter or two there are going to be a big surprise. And hopefully within the next five chapters or so she'll meet Jacob. Keep your fingers crossed!. So any ways thanks for reading, and please comment, and vote. Enjoy your time on Wattpad, until next time Bye!!! :-)

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