Running into Trouble

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Edward's pov

No it can't be true. Bella just can't be gone. I ran out of my room and downstairs to Carlisle.

When I got downstairs I shouted over at Carlisle. "Carlisle Bella is missing. I went up to her room to go check on her but when I got there she was gone. She had tied up a whole bunch of sheets and climbed out her balcony!" I tried not to panic but it wasn't doing much good. "Hurry run up stairs and get and get Alice. You Emmett and Alice go find her and hurry." Carlisle sId in a rush. I didn't argue and did what he said. I wouldn't stop until I got my Bella back.

As soon as I got up stairs I ran straight into Alice's room. "Alice Bella is gone!" I shouted. "I know she's mad at me its just that I was upset and I needed to ne by myself for a couple of minutes." Alice apologized. "No its not your fault. Don't say that. Now come on Emmett is waiting for us downstairs." And with tuT we were downstairs and out the door. We were all running pick up Bella's sent. Finally I picked it up with Emmett and Alice right along with me.

We chased it for about five minutes before we saw Bella. Finally when we were about 15 feet away we stopped and I shouted her name. "Bella!" She turned around and looked at me and just stood there for a moment before she finally said something. "Why did you come to find me. I do nothing but cause trouble. Besides I don't even fit in with you and your family. I mean your all vampires and I'm just a fragile little human. I bet you regret the day that you brought me home!" she shouted and began to cry. "Bella you know that's not true." I shouted back. Then Alice spoke next. "Bella I'm sorry for the way I acted. It's just that I needed to be alone for a moment because I didn't want to take everything out on you since it was your birthday."Alice dry sobbed. "Look guys you have been so nice and its cool that you guys are vampires but I just don't fit in with you guys and I love you all very much but this just has to be goodbye."Bella said sincerely then turned around to continue walking when out of nowhere Victoria and Luraunt jumped down in front of Bella. "Oh look you finally decided to give us our little snack." Victoria snaraled. "Bella Nooooooo!" I shouted running towards her. But as soon as I did Victoria took off running with Bella I'm her arms. I continued running with Emmett and Alice right along with me.

I just about reached kit to grab Victoria and snatch Bella back when she all of a sudden stopped, me crashing into her and falling to the ground. "One step closer and the girl gets it." Victoria chuckled evilly. She held her mouth to Bella's wrist ready to bite. "Edward." Bella squealed quietly. "That's it!" I shouted running to snatch back my Bella.

But the next thing I knew all I could hear was screaming from my Bella. Then Victoria dropped her on the ground and ran with Luraunt following. I ran to Bella's side. "Emmett Alice what do we do!?" I shouted not knowing what to do. "Dude you have to try to suck the venom out. If you don't then she'll become one of us and the voultori will kill all immortal children." "But would if I can't stop?" "Then find a will Edward. Hurry it song take long for the venom to spread through her little body." Alice said.

I gave Bella one last look, hearing her screaming then bit down on her wrist. I didn't take long to get all the venom out and when I was about to let go a drop of blood hit me them more. I couldn't stop. "Edward the venom is out your killing her!" Emmett shouted. I did, I found a will and I finally let up. "Bella I'm so sorry." I apologized. "We have to get more blood into her or she's going to die." I said quickly. "Edward run ahead and get Carlisle. Hurry!" Alice shouted, panic I'm her voice.

I simpley nodded and ran towards the house. Minutes later I arrived. "Carlisle no time to explain half of Bella's blood is gone and we need to get some more into her quick!" Carlisle ever over and took her up into his study. "She has B+ blood. I think we have some downstairs." I ran downstairs and opened the fridge. Sure enough there was some in there. I graves three pints just in case we needed extra.

When I got upstairs I handed the blood over to Carlisle. Then he injected the blood into her arm and rapped up her wrist in bandages. She was asleep so Carlisle told me to put her up in her bed.

I watched her sleep. Bella was my little miracle sent from heaven. She looked like the sweetest little angle that you could ever ask for. I was about to start stroking her cheek when her eyes fluttered open. "Edward..." she mumbled. "It's alright Bella its ok. Your safe now." I comforted her. "Edward, I hate vampires except for one. And that's you." She then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You even hate Emmett and Alice and..." "Edward you know what I mean." she giggled then continued. "You saved my life today Edward. That means a lot to me. If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't be here right now. And though this isn't exactly the kind of birthday I would have asked for I still think the nest part of it was spends the day with you. Oh, and about what I said I didn't mean any of it. I was just upset that I made all the girls sad. I love you Edward. And that is one thing that I did mean." she smiled and snuggled I'm closer to my chest. "It's ok Bella, and I lobeyou too." I smiled back at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Then she yawned and said her last words before she fell back asleep. "This was the best birthday ever."

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