They're Alive

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Dan's pov

I stood there in shock as they said our names. In seventeen years I never would have that I would see them again.

"Mom? Dad?" Bella and I said at the same time. It was true, my parents have returned.

Bella's pov

I had never seen these people in my life yet I knew who they were. I was so excited and full of joy that I couldn't stop then grin that was slowly making its way across my face. But maybe I was a little to excited because the next thing I knew I fainted being sucked into the world of darkness.


The car came to a stop or at least I think that's what this thing is called. I saw mommy get out of the car with daddy behined her. They each gave each other a worried expression. Daddy leaned down into this thing called a trunk. But I just call it the butt of a car.

As daddy stood straight again with a big black circle in his hands something attacked him. I couldn't move so I looked out of the top of the convertable the best I could. All I could hear were cries of pain. First a man then a women. I couldn't see daddy or mommy any more and knew I wasn't safe.

Finally I began to cry. My cries got louder as the screams became more faint. But I knew the second I started crying I would regret it because the next thing I knew a big flame of red here swooped me up baring her teeth.

To think that I was just born a few hours ago i was gonna die now. Not even getting the chance to expirence the world. To roam free and to do something great, but no I had to die. I knew there was no way that I was going to live so I just continued crying letting out all the fear and sadness that was built up inside of me.

But I stopped when she hissed at me and two men aproched. Her theeth turned sharp as she leaned in closer to my neck. But just as I was about to die, to have sharp teeth sink into my soft skin, I was saved by man with blond hair.

I was going to giggle in happiness, well that was till my head got slammed into his rock hard chest and blacked out thinking that this was the end after all.

***end of flash back***

I woke screaming tears running down my face. My breathing was heavy. I remembered evertlything now and it was horrible, terrifying, spine tingling. The tears continued to poor down my face as Dan raced over to me. "Bella what's wrong!" he asked worriedly.

"I remember everything now. Mom Dad dying. Victoria killing them. Her attacking me. And me being saved by Carlisle and blacking out. Everything!" I cried as Dan embraced me in a hug.

Soon he pulled away wipping the stray tears from my face. "Bella their not dead. Their here right now. Victoria turned them not killed them." he explained with a soft smile.

"What?" I asked, my voice cracking from all the screaming. "Yes Bella they're here look right in front of you!" he exclaimed. By the look on his face you could tell that if he could cry he would be doing so right this moment.

He cupped his hands softly around my face and turned me towards the two familar faces on the couch across from us. Ther sat a woman with long brow hair like mine and golden eyes. She average height and was wearing a soft silky purple dress. And the man was very tall like Edward and Dan.  He had short brown hair and golden eyes like his wife's. It was truely them. I couldn't keep myself away any loner and just ran up and embraced them both in a hug letting the tears poor back down my face.

Not even seconds later Dan came up and hugged them too. But why? We weren't related. Were we? I pulled away giving Dan a confused look. After a moment recognization crossed his face.

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