the attack/Alice's story

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Edward's pov

"Edward what are we going to do?!" Alice screamed as we ran through the forest to the house. "We need to run to the house get the others for help. We can't fight them off by ourselves." "Then what?" Alice asked. "Then once we fight them off we need to hide Bella." We both must of forgotten about Bella because as soon as I mentioned her name Alice and I turned to look at each other and we screamed her name. "Bella!" After that we picked up our pace. Even though I could run faster than Alice I stayed with her.

"Edward we're almost there speed ahead and warn the others." shed said with such pation and confidence. "Alice no I'm not leaving you. It doesn't matter how close we are to the house. I would never leave my favorite sister behind." Thanks Edward. I would hug you right now but we're kind of running for our lives right now." she said love and kindness in your voice. We both let out a small chuckle as we finally reached the house.

Then I shouted out to my family, "Guys help we got some angry vampires on our hands. Hurry some one run up and protect Bella!" Rosalie went up to protect Bella while we joined the rest of our family standing in attack mode in front of the house.

The enemies weren't far behind. Then they arrived. "Where is the girl I can smell her sent." James demanded. Then Carlisle stepped forward. "What do you want in Exchange for the girl?" "Nothing. That girl is the most delightful thing that I have ever come across. Well besides that little pixie over there." he said with an evil grinned on his face. "yu,yu, your the one who changed me! Man are you out of your mind! I could have been normal. Not this, this horrible creature I am now. I mean ya by now I would have been 60 years old and all wrinkley, but I would have been a grand mother with children and grandchildren and..." Alice whailed heart broken but was cut off at the end. "I do not care what could of been. Now if you don't give me the child I will tell you all about your life in the asylum." James warned. " I was put into an asylum?!" Alice dry sobbed "Oh and one more thing. Your parents put you in there" James laughed evilly. "Nooooooo!" Alice dry sobbed.

That was it. I tried to be nice and calm, but he just went to far. No one, and I mean No one hurts Alice like that. And that's when I charged at him, sending him flying back into a tree. Then he looked me straight in eyes. That's when he charged back at me. When he hit me I dug my feet into the ground so I wouldn't crash into my family. And then that's when my family attacked. Unfortunately Victoria and Lurant got away, but we have James right where we want him. I decided to let Alice do the honnors of ripping his head off. "Alice would be the one who rips this pathetic vampires' head off?" I asked with pride. "No. I don't want you to rip his head off." "What?" we all shouted, surprise in our voices. "Yet. I don't want to rip his head off yet. I want to find out completely about my past. And if he refuses we will rip him limb from limb. So James got anything to say?" Alice said evilly. "Why would I have anything to say to you?" "Emmet. Alice said with pleasure. "Yes finally I get to rip some fu..." "Emmet watch your mouth! Esme warned. "Fine. Ya I get to kick some vampire butt." Emmet said not as excited. "Now that's better." Esme said proud of herself for acronym at Emmet.

Then Emmet ripped off James's left arm, followed by an ear percing scream from James. "Now do you have anything to say?"Alice asked amused.

Alice's pov

"Fine. You could see the future when you were still human in your dreams. Your mother loved you and you older sister Cynthia. Your dad loved your sister but not you. One night while you were asleep you had a dream that your mother went to the grocery store and got shot by a killer. When you got up in the morning you warned your mother but your father told her not to believe you. Your mother wanted to but she just didn't know what to do.

So your mother didn't go to the store. But the next night you dreamed that your mother got into a car crash. You warned them but your mother still didn't know what to do. So your dad sent your mother to the store and sent you to go pack to go to the asylum. When you were in your room Your sister said she was sorry that this happened and she believed that you could see the future. You two said goodbye and you were sent off to the asylum..." "Wait hold on. when did you change me?" "Hold on hold on I'm getting there. You had just gotten put into your cell when you were called into the nurses office. When you got in there they shaved your head bold and then sent you back into your cell. I worked as a janitor there and when I walked by your cell I smelt the most delightful smell I had ever come across. I opened your cell and.walked in to see you crying. I asked what was wrong that.they had just cut off all your hair that you had worked your whole life to grow out to your waist. I said for you to give me a hug to make you feel better. uneasy going to give you a hug and then suck all your blood out when I thought that I could wait until you were about 19 and then change you. so that's what I did. But later that week your dad came in holding up a news paper with a picture of your moms death on it. he said he was sorry and was going to take you home but you refused. And you stayed there until I changed you. End of story." I sat there and thought about everything I just heared. "wait one more thing. where does my sister live?" "She lives in New York as designer. Her address is 124th New st." "Ok boys rip him to shreds." And with that James was dead. Then Edward walked up to me. "Alice are you alright?" he asked giving me a hug. "Ya I'm fine. Come on let's go check on Bella." And with that the family headed up stairs and left James's body to burn.

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