New Friend

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The cool breeze nipped at my skin as I made my way through town. The sun started to set and I had yet to find a way home. I looked around for some one that might be willing to help but they all seemed to busy. There was some sort of festival going on that they all seemed to be drawn to.

I looked around for a sign that pointed out to what kind celebration this was, and when my eyes spotted one it read:

I finally got the guts to ask some one for help but they just flipped me off as they walked away. What the f... OK just calm down Bella. Everything will be alright. you'll find a nice person get their help and then high tale your butt out of this place.

My legs started to ache as I journeyed forward and it only got worse from there. The wind started to pick up as I clutched my coat as tight as I could against my small frame.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it started snowing. Come on you've got to be kidding me! I let out a small sigh and pushed forward.

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