The Surprise Visitor

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Bella's pov

I was wondering how far they went out to hunt because it has already been an hour and they still haven't returned.Vampires are so weird, I mean how long does it take to bite the neck of an animal and suck the life out of it.

It was five o' clock and I was starting to het hungry. So I decided to pop some popcorn in the microwave. As it started to pop I heared crash from upstairs. I jumped at the noise.

I got a hold of myself and started my way slowly up the stairs. When I was half way up the stairs a rush of aid went past me in the opposite direction. Suddenly I knew there was a vampire in the house. Since the vampire was downstairs I rushed my but upstairs.

When I got in my room I shut and lock the door even though it wouldn't do any good. I turned around to sit on my bed to figure out what to do, when I saw my broken balcony window. I screamed then ran to my bedside desk to pick up the phone Edward got me for emergencies. But when I looked down at the desk it wasn't there, I forgot that I had left it downstairs on the couch.

I quietly snuck downstairs to retrieve the phone.Finally I reached the couch and grabbed the phone. I had Edward on speed dial. He picked up on the first ring. "Edward I'm scared I was popping popcorn then I heared a window.crash upstairs I headed upstairs to see what it was when a rush of wind went past me there's a vampire in the house and...Ahhhh Edward help!"

Edward's pov

"Bella! Bella! No!!!!" And with that I was off heading towards the house. We had home gone hunting just right outside of Forks. My family called after me but I couldn't stay to respond my Bella was in trouble and she needed me. I couldn't help but think this was my fault. I was the one who left her alone and was gone for more than an hour. Uhgg why couldn't I do anything right. I truely was a heartless monster.

I was so deep in thought and concern that I had nearly passed the house.The door was shattered so I just stepped right through. I ran up to Bella's room and balcony window was shattered with blood all over the floor. No it couldn't be true, she isn't dead I just know it.

I ran downstairs to check for any clues there. There were blood stains on the couch too. Next place to check was the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen there was a note on the counter top. It read:

Edward I know you will be the first to read so Edward I have taken your dear Bella away. She has already lost have her blood and she is going to starve. And if you can't find her within a week I'll just have to turn her and tell the Voultori that you created an immortal child. And I'll give you a little hint to where I'm at. I'm 3,000 miles northwest on the left sid of town. But beware I hot ten newborns ready to fight. And if you try anything the girl gets it. Good luck by the way because your gonna need it. See you in a week, or not! ha ha ha.

I drooped down onto the floor in disappointment and fear. What have I done. If it were possible I would ne shedding tears right now.

A few minutes after me reading the note and dry sobbing the rest of my family finally arrived. "Edward what's wrong, why did run away?" Alice asked concerned. I pointed to the blood stains on the couch then the note on the counter.

After they read it Alice knelt down beside me and told me that everything was going to be all right."Edward don't worry we'll get her back." she said "No we won't! There's eleven of them and only seven of us. Not counting that ten of them are newborns. We'll get ourselves killed then what's the point of us even trying to rescue her." I shouted in pain. "Edward Jasper has experience with newborns. We just have to come up with a skilled plan." "Well do you have any ideas because I sure don't." I said the pain growing.

Alice was about to answer back when the phone rang. I was the first to get to it so I picked it up and answered it. "Hello." I answered. "Hello Edward it Victoria, I have allowed New one five minute phone call. Oh and she is not allowed to give out the exact location. Well she can, but she'll regret that choice.p There was a pause before a soft frail voice spoke next. "Ed...ward." "Bella! Bella! Are you alright!?" I asked frantic. "Well I ha e three broken ribs, a fractured ankle, and I've lost a little over half my blood. I know this will probably be the last time I hear your voice so I love you Edward with all my heart and don't you forget that." she said nearly making it understandable. "Bella no don't say that, we'll get you back don't worry." I dry sobbed.

"Edward she has ten newborns. They're strong than you. I don't want you to get yourself killed trying to save me. All it takes is

one wrong movement and one of my broken ribs to fall on my heart and I'm done for." she whined softly."Bella we're coming for you and then we wi...." "Times up. Bye Edward." Victoria snaraled. "Bella! Bella! No!" but it was no use, she was gone.

"Edward what happened!" Alice shouted. I didn't answer, I just ran. I ran as fast as I could 3,000 miles northwest. I was going to stop until I my Bella was safe and back into my arms. Watch out Victoria I'm coming for you, and I'll be sure not to lose.

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