Chapter 6

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Did I skip two updates...? Crap, I think I did... Okay, I'll post this one, then the next one. Sorry for that, guys!



I stared at the walls of the school, dreading walking in and facing Soran. Honestly, I don't even know why I even agreed to this. I should have put my foot down and said "no."

But I love Vicca and I value her opinion. She was only trying to help. I slowly shook my head and headed inside to the cafeteria. I found my group and carefully sat down, glancing around to see if Soran was around, or any of his pack members.

"What's got you so tense?" Gaven asked as he fed his mate her fruit.

"I'm watching for Soran." I said as I glanced around.

"Why?" Emily said around a bite of strawberry. She swallowed before she spoke again. "He's a jerk and not one to mess with. Why are you looking for him?"

I slowly shook my head. "I don't know, either. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm doing this... I just want to get it over with and put it behind me. I don't want to deal with this anymore."

"If you say so..." Linda muttered and I shoved at her shoulder, making her protest.

"Mm!" We all looked to Emily. She quickly swallowed her bite. "There! He and a couple people from his group just walked in!" I looked over to where she was pointing to see him and two other guys sit at a table.

I took a deep breath. "Alright, wish me luck."

"Wait, Emma!" But I ignored my group as I marched over to Soran with my head held high.

"Soran," He and his group looked up as I got to their table and spoke. "I-"

"Soran, baby!" I was shoved back a few steps as some girl suddenly clung to him. "I missed you, baby! Last night was amazing! We have to do that again! Oh, who's she?" She sneered when she saw me standing there.

My eyes narrowed and I swallowed back a growl. "No one, obviously. Never mind, Soran."

"Emma," But I was already gone and back with my group.

"How'd it go?" Kester asked.

I snarled at him as I grabbed my things. "Shut up!" He leaned away from me, his hands up in defense. I stalked away from the group to who knows where. I didn't care where I went at the moment. I just had to get away from Soran.

I ended up finding a quiet part of the school. The hall is empty and I can't hear anyone in either direction. I took a seat against a wall and decided to work on homework and contemplate why I even thought about talking to Soran.

From what I saw, it's obvious that he wants to be with this other chick. Or, does she just think that? Either way, I know he doesn't want to be with me. He has all these other girls in the school at his beck and call. He doesn't need me. He doesn't want me...

"Emma," I looked up at the sound of my name being called and groaned. "You wanted to say something to me?"

"Why not go back to the bitch who wants you?" I asked as I shoved my things in my bag, then stood. "You obviously don't need me."

He sighed. "Emma, that was nothing. I swear. It was a one night thing and-"

"Is that all I'll be?" I asked as I gripped the strap of my bag tighter. "A one night thing, then you'll be searching again?"

"No!" Soran quickly tried to fix his statement. "That's not what I meant! I mean, yeah, it was one night, but I told her that's all she'd ever be to me! I told her I wanted nothing more. But with you, if and when we do end up together, you'll be an all nighter."

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