Chapter 28

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To any "normal" person who would be watching me, they'd think I was staring off into space. They'd think I was in a trance. Or they'd think I was just completely ignoring them. Either way, they'd know that I was not all there at that moment.

And I wasn't.

I wasn't staring off into space. My vision was black. I could only see into my mind. I was remembering. I was remembering everything I had gone through since getting to Soran's. I remember everything that happened after I insulted Katie the first time to the medicine, the constant days of puking, the heart-felt moments with Soran, exploring his place, meeting up with Katie again, and the fight that ensued.

I also remember what brought me back into the hospital wing.

Absentmindedly, my hand slowly rose to touch the side of my head. My fingers trailed over a barely raised scar. Give it a few more days and it might be completely gone..

My hand dropped back into my lap. As I remembered, I felt every emotion from the flashbacks. I felt everything as if it was happening right this very second.

I can't believe this... I was actually considering staying here. I saw a compassionate side to Soran. He's not the cold, doesn't take attitude from anyone, type of person. He's well liked, respected, and looked up to. Everyone loves him here and they like me. They respect me and want me as their Luna.

They don't want me to leave for good.

Something shook my shoulder, but I remained still. I didn't move. I didn't react. I stayed perfectly still as the memories played over and over on an endless loop. The memories paused at certain parts, emphasizing the moments. Most every one of them were with Soran and I having a moment. Where we actually felt ourselves open up about things. Example being when he told me he couldn't lose me from the pills.

I felt something wet run down my cheek. Another shake of my shoulder.

Soon, the images began flashing by, overwhelming my senses. My eyes darted around as I tried to make sense of everything swirling around me like a vortex. It started getting hard to breathe, as if the images were sucking the air from my lungs. I felt my hands grab my throat as I tried to pull in air. I felt my lungs working, but it still felt like there was nothing entering them.

Am I suffocating?

A very soft, distant voice called. I tried to find the voice as I mentally tried to claw through my mind to resurface. I tried to rid the memories that were now a blur as they engulfed me, holding me down.

I was shaken again. Who's shaking me? Whoever it is, they need to shake harder. They need to get me out of this! I can't handle it! Let me out!

Another call, this time a bit louder and I could tell it sounded worried. The shaking became more frequent and urgent. Both my shoulders were now being shaken by the person trying to save me from this madness. Please, hurry!

Suddenly, everything stopped. The images of my memories froze, then slowly disappeared. They faded to black and vanished. I was soon aware of a growing glow within me. It started from the top of my head and spread through my body, warming everything it touched. On certain spots, it lingered and burned a bit, but it soon turned calming.

I felt my hands slowly lift and grab something soft, pulling it closer to me. I soon became aware that my lips were moving and whenever I touched this something, or someone, before me, a tremendous wave of blissful currents raced through me.

Soon, I was becoming aware of my surroundings. I was being embraced in strong arms, our skin sending shocks as they brushed against each other. I was holding hair. One hand from this person was holding the back of my neck gently as the other was placed softly on the small of my back.

Not Even In Your Dreams, Alpha (III)Where stories live. Discover now