Chapter 23

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Sorry, again... I'm terrible at keeping my updates up... Stupid school... At least I'll be done for the semester here in a couple weeks.



"Emma, wake up." A hand shook my shoulder.

"Shut up," I mumbled to the voice. "You don't control me."

The person sighed. "Emma, we're back."

"Back where?" I yawned and stretched. "I don't wanna be back in Cali-" My eyes popped wide as my pack house came into view. "Home... I'm home!" The second the car stopped, I leaped out of it and went right for the doors.

"Mom! Dad! Gaven! I'm home!" Almost instantly, people came out of nowhere to greet me.

"Way to ruin my dramatic entry, Emma." I looked over the sea of people to see Rorie pouting. He's smiling, though. He's happy to see me home.

"Welcome back, Emma." Gaven gave me a quick hug then we bumped knuckles. "You won't believe what we've gone through without you."

"Aw, you missed me." I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Emma!" I didn't even get to turn around before I was pulled into a bone crushing embrace. "Oh my god, Emma, I was so scared I thought I was never going to see you again don't you ever do that again young lady you are grounded for a month I oh my god I missed you so much!"

"Mom, ouch... Can't breathe... You're hurting me... please let go... I missed you too..."

"Reece, come on. Give her some space." I heard my dad chuckle.

"But if I let go, she'll disappear again!" Her arms held me tighter.

"Mom, ow! My ankle!" I gasped.

"What happened to it?" She instantly let go and went to check on it.

"Before I was captured, I stepped in one of the traps the Rogues had set." I explained as I rubbed some circulation back into my body.

"My poor baby..." She stood and gave me another hug, this time not as tight.

"Alright, step aside! Move it or there will be consequences!" A voice suddenly said from the back. "I'll go chihuahua on you and bite your ankles off!" Just then, Orien broke through the crowd.

"You," He pointed to me. "Have some explaining to do."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, do I?"

"Yes." He stood in front of me and tipped his head back. "Explain why you're not hugging me back."

I laughed. "Alright." I suddenly scooped him up in my arms. "I missed you, Orien."

"I missed you, too." He sniffed, his body shaking slightly.

"Emma," I looked over Orien's shoulder to see the pack doctor standing a little off to the side. "Let me get you upstairs. We need to get you looked at."

I bit my lip. "See, there's a bit of an issue with that." I set Orien back on the floor.

"Is there?" He asked, confused.

"You see..." How do I say this?

"Emma agreed to come back to my pack during the recovery process." Soran suddenly stated.

"What?!" Orien stomped his foot. "I just got her back! You're not taking her from me again!"

"Sorry, sport." Soran walked up beside me. "My doctors are more skilled to take care of her and make her feel better faster. I promise she'll be back no later than two months."

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