Chapter 25

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I thought that with my break from college that I would have even more caught up with posting, but such is not the case... I'm sorry guys. Here you are!



"Ew, are they supposed to be a puke looking color?" I grimaced at the color of the pills.

"Unfortunately, yes," The doctor put them in their container and handed them to me. "Remember, once a day. Preferably in the morning."

I nodded. "Yes, Doc. I'll be sure to take them." I opened the lid and gagged. "Oh god, that won't taste good going down." I quickly put the lid back on.

"Couldn't fix that, either." The doctor said. "You'll just have to deal with it. So, don't take one tonight. Take it after you get up tomorrow. Trust me; you don't want to take it now."

I nodded. "Understood."

"Good night, and good luck Emma. Soran," He nodded to Soran. Soran nodded back and took me back to my room. We were silent the entire way back. As we walked, I was thinking. Should I let him in my room tonight? I'm not taking one of the pills, so maybe not.

But what if he wants to, just in case? Hell, I don't know. Should I let him? Should I not? Crap, crap, crap. We're getting closer to my room; I think. Think, Emma, think! Yes or no.

"I'll let you sleep alone tonight." I blinked at what he said as he let me into my room. "You aren't taking the pills yet, so I don't see a reason for me to be here yet."

"O-oh, um, okay." I cleared my throat. "But I'm guessing tomorrow you'll be at my side all day?"

"That's the plan." He nodded.

I sighed. "Alright. That's fine, I guess. See you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night, Emma. Sleep well." With that, he shut the door to my room. I sighed again and went to lay on my bed. I held the bottle of pills up and stared at the ten pills, each one waiting for me to take them. My little chances of death that could heal me from what's keeping me from doing anything. My cure wrapped in possible death.

Sounds like the prescriptions humans get sometimes: "Reduces your chances of strokes! WARNING! Side effects may include strokes, heart attacks, loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts or actions, or death." Just what are they putting into those things?!

I shook my head and set the pill bottle on the night stand and picked up my book once more. I have to make sure I tell my family that my treatment will take longer than we thought. I'll do that in the morning.


I shuddered as I held up the pill, my glass of water in my other hand. "Oh, ew, ew, ew, ew... So gross... I don't wanna do this... but I can't back down now... I gotta do it... Maybe if I..." I poured some water in my mouth, tipped my head back, then quickly popped in the pill and chased it down with more water.

I nearly puked. "Oh- oh god! Oh, ew so gross! I think I'm gonna be sick!" I coughed and sputtered, but forced myself to keep everything back and to not get sick.

Soran was at my side in a second. "Emma! What's wrong?! Breathe! Tell me what's going on!"

I coughed and pushed him back. "Give me space..." I dry heaved, but kept it back. "Get me something with a strong flavor." He ran from the room to get what I asked for. I fell to my knees on the floor and chugged my water, hoping to get the taste out.

Oh my god, this stuff tastes so vile... I hate it...

"Here!" Soran raced back into my room with a tall glass of dark red liquid. "It's the strongest flavor we have right now."

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