Chapter 21

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Dang it! I was getting good with posting! Oh well... At least I did today.



Well, it's official. I'm lost. I have no clue where I'm going. I haven't run into a single person aside from the guy who came at me in my room and then followed me out. Either no one cares that I got out, or they can somehow can see where I'm going and know that I'm going deeper into the building and am not getting out anytime soon.

I sighed and leaned against a wall, grabbing my ankle. It's starting to finally heal. Right now, the wound is closed up, but I can still feel the scab and partially dry blood as it healed. It ached, but it wasn't bringing excruciating pain anymore. I can walk without limping. I just hope it heals completely before I make it out of here so I can run without any pain and no stops to let my ankle rest.

After standing a few more minutes, I stood from the wall and continued on, hoping I actually was going the right way. I really don't want to have to turn around and go back. It would waste time; time I probably don't have.

With a groan, I stopped and leaned against the wall once more. Damn, this ankle is really killing me... I can feel the healing process work its magic. It's as if I'm being poked by pins and needles after my foot starts to wake up from falling asleep. I hate that feeling.

I took a deep breath and grunted through the uncomfortable pain as I made my way down the hall once more. Please let me be going the right way... I thought to myself as I shook my head. I don't want to be wandering anymore than I have to. I just want to get out of here and go home. Back to my pack.

I rounded a corner and ran smack into something hard, falling back on my butt. I gasped in shock and looked up to see someone glaring down at me. Ah, victim number-

"Watch where you're going!" He shouted over me as he went around me. "And you should know better to not where those clothes outside the operating rooms!"

"Erm..." Think of an excuse! "I'm new. I didn't exactly get that memo." I slowly stood. Hopefully he'll buy that.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Newbies. Down the hall to your left. There's a closet full of fresh clothes, since I'm guessing you lost yours?"

I was about to agree, but quickly changed my story. "There was a bit of an issue and they got blood on them."

"They didn't tell you to not put your clothes in the room?" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm gonna have to talk to a few people... Anyway, get yourself cleaned up and changed. There's a meeting outside the base."

"And I get out... how?" I asked sheepishly.

"No map, right?" I nodded. "Fine. I'll come with you. Just come out of the closet when you're ready to go." I nodded and followed him down to where he said the clothes closet is.

Well, I was not expecting this. I was expecting to have to defend myself against him and kill him. He just might be my key out of here.

He gestured to the closet and I stepped in, closing the door behind me. I flicked on the light and stared at the huge room of clothes. This closet could easily fit on the bottom floor of the pack house. I took a deep breath and went to the woman's section to pull out a loose fitting t-shirt and loose sweat pants. I don't recall seeing anyone wearing shoes, and I don't see any in here, so I guess no shoes.

Before I left, I stuck my hair up in a pony tail and smoothed out the wrinkles that weren't there. Is this really how a Rogue looks before they attack?

Duh... What kind of question is that? Even though they may be losing their mind, they're still human and want to look good. I shook my head at myself.

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