Chapter 22

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Guys, I just realized that you are 2 chapters from catching up with me, and I'm not done with the story yet. Either I have to get my butt in gear and finish this before you guys catch up in 2 weeks, or I'll have to update and keep you guys waiting until I get around to finishing, editing, and reading the next chapter aloud to my boyfriend (he claims "boyfriend privileges") before posting that chapter. So, I think I'll keep you guys from waiting and get past the writers block I'm experiencing.

Anyway, on with the chapter!




After what seemed like forever, Caleb and I finally got to the surface. I blinked at the harsh natural light and stepped behind Caleb a bit to block the sun. The sun is evil... I can't wait to get out of it. Kinda want to go back underground to avoid it.

But if I do that, I won't be able to get away. I need to wait for the right moment. I need to wait for everyone to be distracted. That will better my chances to get out of here. Then once I get back home, I tell my pack where I was and we can attack the Rogues.

Victoria is mine.

I peeked around Caleb to see Victoria stand before us on a make-shift step. Speak of the bitch, and she will come.

"I need a crew." She spoke loudly. "Maybe two. Two of my bravest groups to carry on a very important task for me. We need to be tactful. This mission requires that we take down the Woods Pack." Caleb stiffened slightly.

"This pack is exceptionally trained in tracking, so we have to plan accordingly." She continued. "I dealt with something similar almost twenty years ago. Did you know you can mask your scent with your urine? They won't be able to pick up your scent."

The crowd murmured among themselves. "That's right. We'll have the advantage! We can take them down! We will start with their pack, then take over all of Oregon state. Then the West Coast, and we will make our way across the US like a wildfire! We will be unstoppable!" The crowd erupted with cheers and howls.

"Who will help us gain victory!?"  Almost the entire group volunteered. As Victoria picked out the attackers, I tried to contact my pack to let them know what was going to happen. But like all the other times I tried to, all I got was what sounded like a tunnel. I couldn't get past this one part and it seemed to stretch on forever.

I just know I was slipped something to keep from contacting the pack.

Soon, Victoria had her attacking squad. The crowd began to disperse. I stuck by Caleb to keep from being spotted.

"We need to get out of here," Caleb suddenly whispered to me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"You heard me!" He hissed back. "I already contacted my Alpha. Soon, a team should be here to attack. We need to be ready."

"Alpha?" My eyes widened. "So you are from-"

"Sh!" He covered my mouth, then glanced around. "This way." He led me from the open into the building once more. We found a room with a lock and stepped in.

He took us as far from the door as possible then faced me. "Hello, Emma. As you know, my name is Caleb. I am from the Woods Pack. Rudy from Soran's pack and I were sent here to scope out the area while Soran's fighters were on stand-by. Once the fighters from the other packs are given permission to enter, they will be joining the fight to burn this place to the ground."

I smirked and leaned on my good leg. "I had a feeling you were from there. It's the only pack that can perform that move you pulled. I thought you had gone Rogue or something."

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