Chapter 37

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Dedicated to sheika34 for all the support and votes.



The second we all were outside, we shifted simultaneously. We didn't care that our clothes tore. We didn't care that we might not have anything to change in to after the battle. We just didn't care. All we wanted to do was take down these packs.

Soran and I ran side by side, leading the entire mixed pack of Wolves. Gaven flanked our left while Kester took the right.

"Stay sharp." I linked to them. "This is a pack. They are more coordinated with their attacks and know how to fight as a team. These are NOT Rogues. Keep on your toes and don't let them get the best of you."

Every one of my pack members sounded off to me, showing they all heard and agreed. Quick Links were sent to the other members we brought with us. Once we all had a plan, we pushed ourselves faster.

Two of Soran's men stood at the gates. When they saw us, they threw them open, each and every one of us flew through the gates, making a sharp turn to the north west. Soran let out a resonating howl, alerting the attacking packs and letting us know it was game time.

Another howl in the distance sounded and my eyes narrowed a bit. That's an Alpha of the lesser packs. He's letting us know he's heard us and trying to intimidate us.

It didn't work.

The second we reached a clearing on Soran's land, we were met head on with the lesser packs. We managed to give the first blows. The enemies weren't expecting us to get there so fast. With just my split second of meeting other Wolves, I'd already severely injured three of them.

Soran and I ended up getting split up with the fight. I lost sight of Gaven and Kester. I couldn't find Soran's Beta and third of command. All I saw was a sea of Wolves, though I knew who was friend and who was foe. My nose twitched and I clashed claws with another Wolf.

My eyes widened and I snarled. Katie. I knew I would eventually find the bitch. I swung my paw at her, which she expertly dodged.

She's had some training for this fight. I bet her Alpha mate taught her, knowing that she would have to hold her own against us.

But I have the advantage. I have been training to fight pretty much all my life. I know how to fight as human and Wolf. I have many advantages in this.

She's only maybe had a couple weeks to learn how to fight properly.

I grinned to myself when I flipped Katie up and over my back, throwing her to the ground. She whimpered and struggled to stand.

I stood proudly over her as she looked up in fear at me. I watched her gulp as I took a step towards her.

I tensed when her eyes narrowed. My own eyes popped open in shock when she gave a very fake sounding whine of pain.

Literally out of nowhere, I was thrown to the side and sharp teeth sunk deep into my shoulder. That fucking bitch! She faked being hurt so her Alpha could finish me off! I barely managed to shake him off me. We rolled apart and I grimaced. A few seconds more and my arm would have been torn off.

My wound was starting to heal when the Alpha charged again. I shook the pain off and dashed at him. My paw kicked up a rock and I caught it in my mouth the exact second we would have collided. Instead of meeting tooth for tooth, I shifted back, using my momentum to slide on the ground. With it, I used the rock to cut his stomach wide open.

The Alpha cried out and stumbled, collapsing to the ground in a heap. I knew it wouldn't kill him, but it would give someone else enough time to get to him and finish him off.

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