Chapter 9

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Emma isn't in school. Again. I need to know where she is so I can make sure she isn't leaving me. She doesn't understand how much I need her. I have a burning desire to be with her and hold her, but she keeps pushing me away. The desire swells each time I look at her, and it gets to the point to where it's about to burst, and since I don't have her, I end up latching on to the closest female to me.

I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. Everything would be so much simpler if she would just accept me and stop trying to reject me every second she gets.

I stalked over to Gaven's table as calmly as I could manage. "Where's Emma?"

He barely spared me a glance. "The Alpha is talking to her. She won't be in today. Besides, I thought you were told to leave her alone?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How do you know about that?"

"I'm going to be Alpha soon," He finally looked at me. "I have to know everything."

I let out a low growl then stormed away from their table. I hate him. I hate him and his attitude towards me.

But most of all, I hate how his entire pack is against Emma and I being together. Why can't they see that her and I are meant to be together?! We're mates, for fuck's sake. No one is allowed to mess with the Mate Connection! They will regret it.

I just can't wait to see her again so I can explain everything to her and let her know my side of the story. Hopefully she'll be a little more willing to accept me.

Damn it, I hope she accepts me. I can't keep going on like this much longer.

"Hey, Soran," I turned to see a girl slowly sauntering over to me. "Are we still up for tonight?"

I smirked. "Yes, we are. I'll pick you up from the park nearby after school."

"I'm looking forward to it." She winked then left.

What was just said between us started to sink it. Damn it, I did it again!

I need to speak to Emma now before this gets too much farther out of hand.



"Emma," I looked up from my mug to Alpha Nyl. "I'm certain I have your full attention now?"

I slowly nodded and rested the empty coffee mug on his desk. "Yes, Alpha. You do."

"Good." He leaned back in his chair a bit. "This almost reminds me of how I helped your father understand what he was feeling for your mother..."

"In any case," He sat forward once more and folded his hands on his desk. "You've told me that Soran has been ignoring the Connection between you two. He's been off with several women and seems to have no interest in you."

"Sort of." I cut in, making him raise an eyebrow at me. "Well, yes, he is ignoring the Connection and going off with other women, but he's been trying to get me to go with him at the same time. What I see is that he wants us to be mates, yet at the same time, he still wants to go off with other women while the two of us are mates. This is what I'm afraid of, and I don't want to get hurt."

Nyl nodded slowly. "I see where you're coming from. I can't say I know what you're going through, but let me assure you that even though he may be off doing his own thing, from what I saw, he is trying to change his ways to be with you. Sure, it may have nearly cost my Beta, and third's son their lives, but I can see it."

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