Chapter 38

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I never left his side.

I never moved from my chair beside his bed.

I was filled with so much regret and pain as I held his hand tightly, the sparks of the Connection just giving off a faint current.

Tears never stopped flowing down my cheeks. It was as if I had just turned the faucet on and never twisted it off. I'd never known myself to cry this much. Is it even possible for someone to even cry this much? How can I have so much water stored away for tears?

I sniffed and pressed the back of his hand against my forehead. Why was I so mean to him? Why did I push him away so much? Why did I never hear him out and believe that he was trying to be a better person for me? Why didn't I notice he was trying to love me as a human and not just through our Connection?

Why didn't I see it?

My breath caught in my throat. I coughed to clear it, my breath shaky as more tears flowed down into a small puddle at my feet. The doctor had put a towel down to catch all my tears. I thought it was funny at first, but when I caught a glimpse at Soran, the tears fell again.

My mind wandered back to the fight. Why did he do it? Why would he sacrifice himself to save me?

I mentally smacked myself. Idiot. He's my mate. He... he loves me. He would do anything to keep me safe. He'd be willing to give up his own life just to make sure I got away. He would search to the ends of the world to bring me back home. He would stop at nothing to make sure I never got harmed.

He's proven that many times. I shook away the memory of him being there to get me out of Victoria's clutches. I pushed the memory of him being there for me as I recovered. I refused to remember when he banished one of his own pack members if it meant it would keep me safe. All those memories, I had so many doubts about him and I never wanted any part of him.

But... My body shook as my grip tightened on his hand. But I couldn't block the vivid image of him standing before me on the battle field.

I cringed as the memory hit me full force.


I expected claws to dig deep into my skin. I was ready for my end. I waited for everything to be over.

I wasn't expecting my hair to suddenly be yanked at the roots. I gasped as time resumed normal speed and I fell to the ground. My eyes remained shut as the sound of flesh being torn assaulted my ears. I was expecting pain, but there was nothing. Have I already died?

I peeked an eye open and covered my mouth at what I saw. Soran was standing before me, naked. But that's not why I was staring. I watched in mute horror as the eyes of the Alpha stared deep into my soul, his jaw locked on tightly to part of Soran's neck and shoulder. Blood constantly dripped from his throat and down his back, staining his skin crimson red.

Soran coughed. "Soran...?" My lip quivered. He pulled me out of the way so he could take the blow. He let himself get injured for my sake. He... saved me.

"I-it's alright, Emma," He fought to get the words out. "I-it's all... it's all over. He didn't kill you. I... I protected my mate. I protected you."

Tears streamed down my face. "B-but Soran... Y-you... You're..."

He spoke over me. "I saved you... That's all that matters right now." He swayed unsteadily on his feet.

"But Soran!" I cried out, trying to get him to understand just how badly hurt he was. "You're bleeding! You're injured! The Alpha nearly crushed your neck! Soran!" I leaped to my feet and gasped at the extent of the damage the Alpha did. I placed my hands on Soran's back, feeling him relax at my touch. The sparks flared between us.

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