Chapter 17

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I hate work and college and how I lose track of time...


Holy crap, I was not expecting Soran to bring so many people. There has to be close to two hundred people surrounding the area, some scouting the perimeter, others running the surrounding area, more went to help patrol our borders, and the remaining few stood about three yards behind Soran. Gaven and I glanced between each other.

"So, um..." Gaven looked back to Soran. "How many did you bring?"

"I brought two-hundred fifty of my warriors." Soran said as he crossed his arms. "When I told them about the safety of their future Luna being in jeopardy, nearly everyone wanted to come."

Gaven whistled low. "And you already told them where they should be stationed?"

"Yes," He nodded.

"And how will they know what the plan is?" I asked.

"We have wireless radios." Soran stated. "They can all hear what is being said."

"Good," Gaven rubbed his hands. "And you have already briefed them with what's going on?"

"Yes, I have." Soran sighed. "Could we please get on with this?"

"Okay," I stepped forward a few steps then unfolded a couple maps on the ground. "As we know, Rogues are attacking our lands. What's going on now is the exact same thing as what happened sixteen years ago. I spoke with former Alpha Nyl and got a few very detailed maps showing where the Rogue camps were stationed, how many at each, the estimated date they arrived, when they were found out, and when we attacked them. We also have the dates and times as to when they attacked us. It also shows how many attacked, the number we captured, injured, or killed, and how they attacked us."

Soran knelt down to study them. "This is insane... Rogues normally don't attack in groups like that. They're scattered and unpredictable."

"Exactly." I glanced up to see him studying the maps intensely. "The reason why they were attacking in pack formation was because their leader, Mario, was once part of a pack. He wanted to take our former Luna, Lana, and make a pack with her out on the east coast. From what I could gather, he once trained the warriors in his pack. He knew how they work and he used that to his advantage."

"And these attacks now mirror those," He didn't ask, but said more to himself.

I nodded. "They do, but with a bit more... structure. Yes, the tactics for the attacks are the same, but they seem more uniform. I have a feeling we are dealing with a leader who is highly placed on the Pack status; or was, I should say."

"What reason do we think is the drive for the attacks?" Soran asked.

"I don't know." I slowly shook my head. "They already got Victoria. They tried getting either Gaven or Emily, but failed. I don't know what's being planned, but I want to know before we lose anymore people."

"How is Victoria's pack doing?" Gaven asked as he joined us.

"Jack says things are running fairly smoothly," I said with a small sigh. "They're used to working without a figure head."

"What do you mean?" Soran questioned as he looked up to me.

"Many years ago, Victoria lost her mate in a brutal attack. She also lost her child. She's the daughter of an Alpha, so that helped her tremendously. She used her presence as Luna and found a way to strengthen herself to have some form of Alpha qualities. She then took over the pack, much like how her mate wanted to."

"So that pack basically doesn't have a true Alpha." Soran muttered to himself. "So they won't crumble if she's gone for too long."

"Very slowly, but they will." I corrected. "She did step in, so her not being there will hinder the pack a bit."

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