Chapter 31

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We all sat in the lobby of the hospital, waiting for word on the girl we saved from the car crash. Well, I should say Gaven and I sat. Kester was pacing all over in front of us. He was leaving tracks on the floor and I swear if he keeps doing that, he'll wear a hole in the floor. I just watched him clutch at his hair, fiddle with his hands, ball his hands into fists, bite his lips, and shake his head. I was getting motion sickness watching him.

"Blegh, Kester... sit down. I'm getting sick watching you." I held my stomach and looked down.

"How can I when she's hurt and I can't see her?" He grumbled. "This is eating a hole inside of me. I want to see her so bad, it's killing me!"

"Just take it easy, man." Gaven tried to comfort him. "I know how that feels. Remember when Emily hurt herself? I was beside myself with grief."

I shrugged. "I can't offer any condolences. I don't know the feeling."

"Jee, thanks Emma." Kester said sarcastically.

I gave a small, mock bow. "Happy to help."

"How about you-" Just then, the doors swung open.

"Are you Kathrine's friends?"

I stood. "Kathrine, our friend from school who was in the accident? Yes, that's us."

The doctor raised an eyebrow but shook it off. "She's very lucky to have friends like you. Her injuries could have been more severe if left untreated. She's stable. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes." Kester jumped in before either of us could speak. He went right beside the doctor and motioned for Gaven and I to hurry up. We shrugged and stood to follow. We were lead down a few halls before being brought to a room.

"Here's her room." He knocked on the door. "Visiting hours are almost over. You have half an hour." He opened the door and stuck his head in.

"You have visitors." He swung the door open a bit more and showed us in. We closed the door behind us for some privacy.

Kester immediately started to move to be right at her side, but Gaven held him back and shook his head.

Kathrine, the girl we saved, blinked and rubbed her eyes. "I wasn't expecting you guys. Who are you?"

I took a step forward. "My name's Emma. This is Gaven and Kester. We saved you after that car accident you had."

"Accident? What- oh..." She bit her lip. "That accident. Why did you do it?"

"We couldn't leave you there to die." Gaven said. "It's in our nature to help people. You needed help. If we hadn't been there, who knows what could have happened to you."

"May we?" I gestured to the chairs along the side of the room. She nodded and grunted as she tried to sit up. We pulled up chairs beside her bed.

"Can you tell us about you?" I asked. "Who are you?"

She nodded and sighed. "I'm Kathrine Reyns."

"Why were you in that bad rain storm?" Gaven asked.

"Why were you?" She countered with her own question.

"Because these two idiots can't get their licenses." I crossed my arms. "We have to walk home after school. Anyway, why were you out during the storm?"

"It doesn't matter," She turned her gaze to the ceiling.

"It does," Kester placed his hand over hers. She jumped a bit and gently pulled her hand away. "You were going too fast in the rain and your car crashed. You had to be getting away from something."

"It's none of your business." She shook her head.

I held my hands up. "Alright, we won't ask anymore. Does your family know you're here?"

"Probably not, like they even care." Ah, family issues. The truth is slowly coming out.

"What about friends?" Gaven caught on as well. "Co-workers?"

Again, she shook her head. "I don't think so. I hope my boyfriend doesn't find out. He'd kill me for-" She cut herself off and covered her mouth. "I shouldn't have said that..."

"Boys, leave." They started to protest. "No, out. Now. Private girl talk." Reluctantly, they stood and left the room. Kester hesitated a moment longer before he shut the door.

"Okay, spill." She narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Tell me about him. What's he like? Why would he kill you if he found you here? What's going on?"

"You wouldn't understand..." She mumbled and lowered her head.

"Believe me, I'd understand." I gave a heavy sigh. "I've been in that ball park with the crazy guys. And they say us women are clingy and get super jealous super easy."

I got a small chuckle out of her. "You've got that right. Okay, okay... I'll tell you, only if you don't tell anyone. There's just... there's something about you that makes me trust you. I don't know what it is, though."

"I get that a lot." I shrugged. "Anyway, talk."

She took in a deep breath before speaking. "My boyfriend has been abusing me for the past few months. He's practically been locking me up in our apartment after we get out of school so I don't go anywhere while he heads to work."

"So, that black eye..."

"Was him, yes." She bit her lip. "It wasn't from the accident. Good cover though, huh? Doctor's don't suspect a thing. They just think I got it in the accident."

"You gotta tell someone." I balled my hands in fists. "This can't go unpunished!"

"I can't!" She said hysterically. "He's got people everywhere! If I told anyone and he got sent to jail or something, they'd come for me!"

Determination filled me. "We'll protect you."

"What?" She met my gaze. "But we hardly know each other! How do I know I can trust you to go home with you?"

"Because we've got an army." Her eyes widened. "Let me rephrase that. We've got a huge group of people who are willing to protect any friend we bring over there. Once you're seen as one of us, there's no way anyone can lay a finger on you."

"Are..." She gulped. "Are you guys part of the mafia?"

"The maf-" I couldn't hold back the laughter. "The mafia? Oh god, that's rich! No, Kathrine, we're not in the mafia. We just have a very tight knit community of people. But trust me when I say you'll be protected and looked after."

"I..." She held her head. "I need some time to think. The doctor said I could be released some time tomorrow. Come back then, okay?"

"Okay, Kathrine." I stood and picked up a napkin and took a pen from the clipboard hanging on her bed. "If you need me, call this number. I'll be at your side before you can say help." I folded the napkin and handed it to her.

"Thanks." With that, I left the room just as the doctor came in to tell me that visiting hours were over and that we had to leave.

"What all did you talk about?" Kester asked as we started for home.

I adjusted my sopping wet backpack on my shoulder. "Just stuff. Don't worry about it. I gave her my number in case she ever needed to talk to me. It's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand."


"Look, just let it go." I turned to him. "It's none of your business right now. She may tell you in time, but right now, just drop the subject and let's get home. I'm freezing." We fell into silence the rest of the way home.

I just hope Kathrine takes me up on my offer.


Yes, I know, short chapter. But it's better than nothing, right? I've been so caught up with work that I haven't been able to work on my stories AT ALL. So sorry for the short chapter, but I'll be sure to  make it up to you the next time I update. I promise.

Until next time,


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