Chapter 1: Paper? Please?

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Almost 3 Years Later

You know that feeling you get when your alarm goes off on a Monday morning but you don't want to get out of bed? I, strangely, don't experience that. I mean I hate Monday's, don't get me wrong. But I've always liked that even if I don't have anything to do one day, I still have something to do, y'know? So, when my alarm went off I just got up, went to the bathroom, did my morning routine, and met my mom in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ma."

I said kissing her cheek as she finished fixing the plates.

"Morning sweetie. You have anything planned after you go to school?"

She asked handing me my plate, and we sat down in the dining room. I nodded my head, picking at my food a little.

"Yeah, I'm planning on writing a little more for that show I was telling you about. But if nothing comes to me I might just go hang with Lani... or whoever."

I said whispering "or whoever" even though I know she heard me. She just shook her head and set her fork down.

"That's great babe. But when are you going to stop messing with these girls and playing with that poor girl's heart. It's not good to just play with someone's feelings like that, Y/N/N."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, throwing my head back.

"Come on, Ma. It's not even like that."

I said, finished with my food, and giving my full attention to her.

"You play these sweet young woman, then when you get bored you go back to Lani. How do you think she feels about that? Or these other girls?"

"Lani knows how I feel about her and how I feel about relationships. So do all the other not so innocent girls I talk to. They all know how I act and they don't run from it."

I said before standing up and going to put my plate in the sink. My mom followed me, doing the same. I kissed her on the cheek again, placing my hands on her shoulders and looked down to her since I'm taller by a few inches.

"I love you, mom. And I know what I'm doing, okay? Trust me, a little."

She smiled and hugged me, handing me my car keys. Then pushed me towards the front door.

"Fine. But, just be careful."


I said as I walked towards the door and opened it. As I stepped out the house she yelled out to me.

"And call Camila! She misses you!"

I yelled "I will" closing the door behind me and getting into my car. A couple of weeks after we landed in Miami, my mom and I had to uproot and move across the country. Apparently, the people who said they were in the business and would call me, actually did. They liked the songs I showed them in Detroit, and gave me a starting chance. There was this Disney movie, Let it Shine, coming out soon and they needed songs to go along with the plot. I wrote all 13 songs for the soundtrack.

Ever since then I've written music for a bunch of shows and movies. Even some celebrities and singers. I even write for some rappers but I'm what you would call a "ghost writer" when it comes to them.

For instance, when Meek Mill called out Drake for having a ghost writer. There was definitely a ghost writer involved on his album but it wasn't for Drake's rap, it was Meek's. His song "All Eyes On You". Yeah, me and Nicki wrote that together... Meek just rapped the verses.

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