Chapter 30: My Love

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A/N I changed the song in here three different times while I was on a eight hour train ride to Detroit which mean I rewrote the whole scene three times as well lol...

And I usually don't like to speak out about the different racial issues going on in the world right now because I absolutely HATE debating with ignorant people. Especially since I'm mixed and people try to use that against me. But Beyoncé spoke out and if you go to her website ( there's different links about how to help if you would like to.

Camila and I were doing another one of our annual sleep overs that we've been having for the past 7 years. We were watching my pick of movies this weekend since it was my turn and we were waiting for my mom to call us for dinner.

Camila was cuddled up to me as we were laying on the couch watching tv. We usually don't talk during the movies because in between the movies and right before we go to sleep is when wee have our conversations. But today was different.


I hummed in response, still trying to pay attention to the movie.

"Do you think one day we will be famous?"

"What do you mean?"

I asked, turning to face her as she looked up at me.

"Like, do you see us one day... in front of like, a gazillion people, who are all screaming our name and singing the songs we sing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her question, contemplating my answer.

"I never thought about it, honestly. Where did that come from?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked down.

"I don't know. Ever since you've been hanging out with Kendall, a bunch of people have seen my cover of Skyscraper. They say I could be famous. I don't know it was stupid."

She said shrugging her shoulders again and turning back to the T.V. I grabbed the remote and paused the movie making her look back at me.

"Don't do that. When it comes to you, I can't not see you being famous, standing in front of a gazillion people who are singing your songs."

"Our songs. You'll be famous too, Y/N."

I shrugged my shoulders this time and grabbed the remote again.

"Maybe, I don't know. But I can tell you this, you'll always see me in the crowd, singing your songs and dancing along with you--"

"And I'll be there cheering on both of you as you sing together."

My eyes widened and I turned my head to see my dad standing in the doorway. I smiled feeling tears come to my eyes. Camila sat up, letting me get up and hug him.

"Hey, babygirl. How are you?"

He said picking me up and spinning me around.

"Great, now."

I said but it was muffled by his shirt. I stayed latched onto him as my mom came out from the kitchen and hugged and kissed him. Camila stayed on the couch not really knowing what to do, until my dad spoke again.

"Come on, Camila. You're just as much as family as they are."

She smiled getting up to come join our big, much needed, hug.

A dip in the bed and pressure on my outstretched arm pulled me from my thoughts. I knew it was Dinah when she kissed my cheek and I could smell her scent. She layed back down, looking at my side profile causing me to turn and look at her, smiling. I was at my house with my mom but she had retired to her room since it was so late. But I couldn't sleep.

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