Chapter 8: Finally...

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I woke up Saturday morning and immediately texted Kehlani I was on my way to get her. After I sent the message I sent one to Diamond and Sierra that I would be there in about 30 minutes so they had to get up. All I did was freshen up, leaving my pajamas on since we weren't going to leave the house anyways until we went home the next day.

Kehlani's song dropped the night before, and even though we heard it before, we hadn't heard any reactions to it. We all asked everyone we talked to, to not text or call us about how the song is doing because we all wanted to find out together. We promoted it, though, before it dropped with me promoting it the most. I even made Camila and the girls promote it so I was really worried about how the Harmonizers reacted.

I pulled up to Kehlani's house and got out the car to knock on the door. I heard a bunch of fumbling before the door swung open and Kehlani's aunt stood there, but didn't pay me attention yet.

"Calm down before you break something! The results aren't going anywhere."

She turned to me and smiled.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you?"

"Well, I'm probably just as nervous as Lani now, but I think I might be holding it together better."

She chuckled and shook her head at me.

"Calm down girls. I promise it'll be alright."

I nodded then saw Kehlani come stumbling down the steps and towards the door. I laughed at how flustered she was and could definitely tell she was more nervous than me. As she was walking out her Aunt threw her hand out and slapped Kehlani on her lower stomach making her cry out in pain. I went to help her stand up but she was still clutching her stomach.

"Umm, she didn't even hit you that hard. Am I missing something?"

Kehlani just groaned and her Aunt let out a breathy laugh before answering my question.

"Yeah, next time she tries to hide a tattoo from me... I'll punch it."

Lani was finally able to stand up straight and she rolled her eyes. I raised my eyebrows surprised, though, that she got a tattoo on her stomach.

"Bye Auntie. I'll see you later."

She said, her voice husky, probably still in pain. I walked her to the car, helping her in, before getting in myself. Her aunt waved to us as I drove off and I turned to look at her out the side of my eye.

"Now, with all the tattoos you have, why wouldn't you tell your aunt you wanted another?"

She huffed and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Because it's the biggest one I've gotten in one sitting so far. I knew she wouldn't let me."

"Well what is it?"

She pulled the seat back so she was "laying down" in the seat. I pulled up to a red light and turned as she lifted up her shirt and pulled her pants down slightly to show me the calligraphy writing of "Tsunami" , shaded and all, going from hip to hip.

"Shit. How long did that take?"

She sat the seat back up and the light turned green so I turned back to look out at the road.

"Like 4 hours."

"When did you even get it?"

I asked as I pulled in front of Sierra's house and turned off my car.

"Yesterday. I thought it would distract me from looking at the reaction to my song."

I got out, scoffing, and went to help her out the car.

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