Chapter 16: This Is All I Ever Dream

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I pulled up to the beach a while later after the silent ride. Camila just held my hand the whole way, knowing I wouldn't want to talk. Especially since I was crying the entire drive there. I got out of the car, with Camila following behind me. Taking off my shoes and socks in the process, I walked through the sand finding a good place to sit looking out at moon's reflection in the water.

I don't even care about the whole Kehlani situation. She hurt me, yes, and I already know I'll be hurt for a while. But I came here because my father died. Just this morning everything was good and as far as I knew he was alive and well. Now everything is completely ruined and I'll never be able to see my dad again.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. It's like you can never win."

I chuckled dryly and shook my head.

"You don't even know."

I turned to look at her to see she's teary eyed too.

"Camila I didn't bring you here because of her. I would never bring you here because some girl cheated on me."

She furrowed her eyebrows and spoke soon after.


"Did I bring you here when Kendall cheated on me?"

She shook her head and looked back out to the water before turning her head back quickly.

"Wait. Then why are we here?"

My eyes got teary again and I felt tears stream down my face. Camila frowned and scooted closer to me wrapping her arms around me as I put my head in her neck and hugged her back.

"He's dead."

I whispered into her neck. I spoke a little louder as I explained what I was talking about.

"He was in Belgium when the bombings happened. My dad's d-dead."

I cried again and she hugged me tighter.

"Oh my god. Y/N, I'm so sorry."

She said into my hair as she cried softly too. She was extremely close to my family as I was to hers. So it wasn't a shock that she would be almost as broken as I was. We stayed like that for a while before I pulled back and wiped my face.

I turned back out to look at the ocean's shore as Camila layed her head on my shoulder still silently crying. Even though I've stopped crying it doesn't hurt any less, over the years I just haven't been the type to cry. If I do it's only for a second then I shut down, unless I'm with Camila or the girls, including Sierra and Diamond.

I put my arm around Camila and hugged her tighter to me as I positioned my head on top of hers. My phone vibrated soon after I did making me pull it out to silence it, only to see it was Ally who had texted me.

From - God's Only Daughter😇: I wanted to text you for the 4/5 of us to say that we are here for you no matter when you need us

To - God's Only Daughter😇: Well tell them I said thanks but I wouldn't talk about her if I talk to you guys anyway... my dad passed in the Belgium bombings that's why I stole Camila away. Please, tell the girls. It's definitely not something I want to keep repeating.

From - God's Only Daughter😇: Of course babe. I'm so sorry for your loss. If there is anything I can do please let me know.

To - God's Only Daughter😇: Can you... tell Dinah to meet me tomorrow at my studio at 10...please

From - God's Only Daughter😇: She'll be there.

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