Chapter 13: I Ain't A Player...

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A/N I'm back...

I was nervous walking into this record company with my manager. After an EP that I already dropped that had all my songs with the girls on it plus Bottom's Up ft. Nicki Minaj and Umbrella/Cinderella with Rihanna; and an almost finished album, I finally made a decision with what label I wanted to be signed to. As I was walking in I felt my phone vibrate in my hand indicating that I got a message.

From: Kendall J. - Hey, Y/N/N. I see you out here doing your thing. I proud of you. I miss you. We should catch up some time. Call or text me if you can. Love, your K.J. (ps your still the only person allowed to call me that...)

I locked my phone, sighing after reading that message. She was the last person I wanted to talk to right now.

As soon as I got to the front desk I saw Lil Wayne walk behind it cutting off the receptionist from speaking.

"What's up, Y/N?"

"Hey man. Nothing much, what's up with you?"

I said, shaking his hand then following him further in to the building.

"Same old shit, different day."

I let out a breathy laugh, agreeing with him.

"This is my manager, Destiny."

"It's nice to meet you."

He said shaking her hand softly.


She said following behind us as we continued walking.

"So, you ready?"

He asked as we walked up to a closed door. I nodded before responding to him.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Shawty don't be nervous. Be yourself and you'll be signed in no time. He just needs to make sure you're authentic."

I nodded taking a deep breath before walking into the room after Wayne, with Destiny behind me.

When we walked in, Birdman was leaning against the front of his desk. He nodded to Wayne, who said "what's up" in return.

"Take a seat."

He said to us, gesturing to his chairs. Destiny and I sat down, then waited for further instruction with this meeting. He took a deep breath before speaking to me.

"Alright, look. I can't deny that you have talent, but I don't think you write your own music the way you preach it. And that's gonna be a problem."

"But she does. She's been writing music since before she started singing and rapping."

Destiny jumped in, defending me.

"I'm not saying that not writing your own music is the problem. But I'm not going to have someone who lies be on my label."

I jumped in cutting him off.

"Nicki can vouch for me though. Half the songs she's been on, I've written the verses for her features. We write the songs together."

"You probably have, and she probably can. But that doesn't make me believe any differently that you don't write all of your music."

Destiny was about to say something, and knowing her she was probably about to snap on him so I cut her off.

"Okay fine. What can I do to prove to you that I do write my own songs."

"Do something for me right now."

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