Chapter 11: Is It Jealousy?

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Today was Saturday and also the day of the American Music Awards. This last week has been nothing but rehearsals after rehearsals. Then when I wasn't rehearsing I was either doing an interview by myself or with one of the girls of Fifth Harmony, if not the whole group, and performing our songs. Or I was in the studio with Kehlani finishing The Way or finishing my first album.

Which is were I am now. I needed to get my head off of these performances. I'm actually making history tonight with the most songs performed by one artist and for opening and closing an award show. Fifth Harmony are also making history with being the first girl group to not only close a show but also perform individually as well.

And on top of all that I'm performing additional songs that haven't been heard by the public before; one of them with Kehlani.

It was too much to think about, especially with me having to perform later that day, so I did what I always do when I need to clear my mind; write music. Which was easy seeing as soon as I walked into the studio the receptionist gave me a note that said I had to check my email.

I went into my studio for the time being and got comfortable before I opened my laptop and went to my email. Apparently, the message was from a rapper wanting me to finish a song.

Hey Y/N. There's a song attached to this email along with a verse I laid down for it. I need you to write some lyrics and find a singer for it as soon as you can. Even tweak the beat of you want. You're my one and only option for this. Thanks, Rich Homie Quan.

I sighed and clicked on the mp3 first. I was immediately intrigued by the beat and knew that this was going to be what helps me clear my mind. I clicked on his verse next and loved it just as much as the song. And I was going to take him up on his offer of tweaking the beat, but just to make the rap fit more.

I tweaked the beat first, overlapping Quan's part on the new track. After a few hours I had the final lyrics and how the song would go, but I couldn't figure out who would fit the song. There were a few people I had in mind, but none of them would do it the way I wanted it to sound. And the one person that can isn't available to do it, and I want it done today.

I sighed throwing my head back and putting my hands over my face. I sat there for a second thinking about who I could find to sing these parts and do it how I want it to sound. Right when I was about to give up I heard the door open and a bunch of voices overlapping.

I sat up to see it was Fifth Harmony and Kehlani all laughing, not even paying attention to me. I cleared my throat and they all turned to me smiling.

"What are you guys doing here?"

They all answered at once making me raise my eyebrows in amusement. They giggled and Lauren spoke this time.

"Well, apparently since we perform as a group, and Nami is just doing one song, our sound checks only took like 10 minutes."

I nodded my head and turned back to my laptop, playing around on the mixer.

"What's that?"

Kehlani asked, coming to stand next to me with the rest of the girls following behind her.

"You know that rapper Rich Homie Quan?"

"Oh yeah! He sang Lifestyle. I can't understand half the words but I love that song."

Dinah said coming to stand on the other side of me. I smiled up at her enthusiasm to hearing the rappers name and continued to talk.

"Yeah, well, he sent me this beat with his verse on it. And I tweaked the beat a little and wrote some verses for the song like he asked. But now I can't find a singer to do the verses the way I want it to sound in the song, and I don't know who can."

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