Chapter 12

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A/N I am sorry to say after this long wait for this chapter which was going to be Niall I am afraid I retuned to Louis. I had lots of trouble and couldn't reach 1000 words minimum, so it will be Louis for a little while longer. Apologies but I will have Niall soon and maybe some of the other two boys depending how I feel


Loud shouts of my name carried through the room I was in. I groaned and rolled over in the bed, pushing my face into the pillow I was lying on. I didn't want to wake up, I really didn't. Today was my birthday, I was 24 and I do not want to celebrate it. 

"Happy birthday Louis!" my family cheered as they came in my room. I grumbled incoherent words into my pillow.

"Come on, get up!" Phoebe said as she jumped on me. Now she wasn't a big girl, she was very small in fact, but her weight winded me. 

"No. I don't want to get up" I whined and pulled the blankets over my head. 

"Don't be a baby" my mum scolded playfully and walked over to my bed and pulled the blankets off my body. "Get up, we have some presents for you" I rolled my eyes. Presents, like I needed two lots of presents. 

Everyone left the room and I followed behind looking at my phone as I walked. I had received a text from Niall. Two hours ago. It was only just after seven in the morning, so why was he awake so early? I opened the text and it read;

From Niall:
Happy 24th baby! Enjoy your day and I can't wait to see you soon xx 

I smiled. I loved receiving cute texts like from my partners. It always made me feel warm inside. I replied with a 'thank you' and stepped into the living room. Everyone had a present in their hand but I didn't want it. Why did I need more things? I was at the age where I didn't want my birthday and they can just get me something for Christmas.

My siblings all gave me their presents, which was mostly hand made things or pictures of us put into nicer frames. This was nice. I didn't know what to do with them but I accepted them gratefully. My parents gave me clothes. Not that I needed it but I was thankful. Then, my mum handed me an envelope. 

"I don't know who it's from but it came not long ago. It's addressed to you to here, so it's someone who knows where you are" I was worried it would be a fan. They had crazy ways, but when I opened it and saw a card I knew it would be Niall. I pulled it out and looked at the card. It was one that had cartoon dog and a funny caption with it. 

When I opened my card I was surprised, two plane tickets staring at me.  I looked closely at the destinations. London to Dublin. I frowned, why did I have two tickets to go to Dublin? I removed the tickets and looked at the card scribbled in Niall's handwriting

To Louis, 
  Happy Birthday and Merry early Christmas. I hope you like your present I can't wait to see you baby enjoy your day and time with your family
Love Niall xox

The little shit bought the tickets for me to come and see him for New Years, but why did he have two tickets in there? I pulled out my phone and dialled the number. I could see my family looking at me curiously as I didn't speak the whole time I looked at my present. 

The phone rung and rung then he answered. "Hello" 

"Why are there two tickets?" I asked straight away. 

"I see you got your present. Well, there should be another surprise for you outside" I didn't know what I was expecting when I opened the door to my old family home but I was not expecting Niall to be standing on my door step. He was wearing a jumper, sweat pants and a coat to help against the very cold day. 

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